
2024-11-20 21:41:27

  王二小的故事是这样的:河北涞源的一个小山村,村头那座破旧的草房里住着王二小一家。11岁的二小是个放牛娃。 1943年的一天,一声震天动地的巨响,鬼子的炮弹落到了二小的家里。在山上放牛的二小惊恐地看着遮天蔽日的浓烟烈火,他不能相信,刚才还温暖的家和亲爱的爹娘顷刻间就灰飞烟灭了。
  鬼子扫荡来了,八路军和干部们组织乡亲们转移。二小和乡亲们一起转移到长城脚下。 村外有一个大山坡,这是一片好大好大的草地,碧绿的青草间开着点点的小花。二小就在这片山坡上放牛,这里美丽安宁,二小躺在草地上,望着蓝蓝的天空想,没有鬼子该多好。 二小参加了儿童团,跟着柳老师和吴连长,学了许多知识。他知道打走了鬼子,自己长大了,还要建设我们的国家。 鬼子的大扫荡又要开始了,吴连长带着队伍去山那边,说要做个包围圈等鬼子来钻。鬼子来了。二小看到鬼子向乡亲们转移的方向走去,心里着急,就唱着放牛歌走了出来。鬼子看到了山坡上的二小,要二小为他们带路。二小牵着一头壮牛,就带着鬼子走了。 二小领着鬼子在山里转圈,狡猾的鬼子起了疑心,鬼子头拔出战刀威胁二小。二小心里很镇定,却装出害怕的样子,对鬼子说,那边有条路,穿过去就能找到八路。鬼子说你撒谎,你想骗皇军。二小说那就算了,反正我也不想去。鬼子相信了二小,就跟着他走了。到了八路军埋伏的山沟,二小机灵地从沟边往山上跑。吴连长一边高喊要二小快跑,一边开枪打死了向二小瞄准的鬼子。可是鬼子小队长端着大枪追上二小,把刺刀扎进了二小的身体,将二小挑到了山坡上。 二小像一片树叶一样落了下来,满山的树叶都一起落了下来,鲜血染红每一片树叶和绿草。 八路军发起了进攻,消灭了鬼子。大壮牛像是要报仇,用尖角挑死了鬼子小队长。 乡亲们把二小放到担架上。吴连长喊着二小,乡亲们喊着二小,可是二小安详地闭着眼睛。他再也听不到了。太阳也仿佛被染红了,满山都飘着红色的树叶,那景色,美丽极了。词作家方冰、曲作家劫夫被王二小的事迹深深打动,很快创作了这首流传60多年的歌曲。


My hero is Rocky Balboa.He supposed to be a boxer.His spirit is great.Since I've watched movie,my ambition was burned...给你开个头好了


my hero


My Hero
My hero is Yao Ming. He’s a basketball player.
Yao Ming is very young. He’s twenty-five years old. He is tall, strong and handsome.
Yao Ming plays basketball so well that he is invited to join in American NBA. Everyone admires him very much.
Yao Ming is a super star and I like him too.


In my heart of the British male
When we are troubled by disease, is a doctor, nurse these angels fly upon our side. In the fight against "SARS" action, angel in white are also showed the fearless spirit. In order to make fewer people infected the infectious diseases, they have given their lives to save the more people's life.
This is a life of gambling, they take their own lives at stake, they bet on his own life, whether or not to be, they never fear, never fear. They have a "white angel" conscience of the title, is worthy to make spirit. They will in the life of gambling to the end.
In the fight against SARS, in the process down a, again stand up a batch of. The audacity of the hero, as people's umbrella, I seen it on TV a story: hospital connected a SARS patient, a nurse was not on duty today, but think of the hospital shorthanded, then stayed, but on this day, she and several colleagues from the damned the SARS virus, when the hospital to give her a turn courtyard quota, she refused, she said: "I'm not too serious, put this number to its her serious comrade!" She was deteriorating, the hospital has repeatedly asked her to better to go to the hospital treatment, she still has repeatedly refused, finally let another comrades went to another hospital, finally the honorable nurse died in harness.
Doctors in the ordinary post, the angels to accept the unusual mission, they are a brave soldier, in that no war battlefield heroic battles, they are a hero, for the motherland, for the people, and for the world made its own contribution to the!
These doctors is to make gods, though I never believed in god ghost on world, but I believe that doctors and nurses is life in the god of truth. Although they can't be like that great nightingale, but their fearless, they pay for the people that's such a admirable.
Here I represent all the people to the audacity of doctors and nurses respected say:
You are the greatest!
Thank you for the audacity of pay!