At present,the phenomenon of abnormal development,dysgenesis and feminization has gradually affected the normal life of human beings.The endocrine disruptors in the environment have received more attention and research of man,and this experiment is mainly aimed to study one of the eight hormones----bisphenol A。 ... 这个翻译好难啊啊= = 都是医学用词。。=、- 好累。。。就给你翻译这几句啦~~=、-
At present,dysplasia,reproductive barriers andfeminizationphenomenonhas graduallyaffected thenormal humanlife,endocrine disrupting chemicals in the environmentbegan toreceive more attentionandstudy the human,this experimentmainly researcheight kinds ofestrogenin a--bisphenol A.Through the experimental study,provethe static adsorptionof bisphenol Ain water bodyMoringapodpowder,Moringaseed powder,CSI cellulose columnmaterialhas good action effect.As shown below,Moringapodpowder andseed powderadsorption effect onbisphenol Awas positively correlated withthe concentration ofbisphenolA,CSI cellulose columnmaterialat a temperature of 50 DEGandadsorption timeto obtainthe bestadsorptioneffecton the condition of 4h,Moringapodpowder,Moringaseed powder,CSI cellulose columnmaterial ontheremoval ofbisphenol Athere are three levels ofaction