1、as a result:意为“因此”“结果”。
例句:As a result he was sent away from school。
2、as a result of:意为“因为”“由于”“……的结果”。
例句:The football match had to be put off as a result of the heavy rain。
as a result:表示结果,多作结果状语。相当于一个连词,一般用于句首,且要用逗号与后面的句子隔开。
as a result of:表示原因,用作原因状语,相当于because of。是一个介词短语,后面接名词,动名词等,不能接句子。
例句:As a result,the football match had to be put off。
as a result of:侧重于原因。由于,因为的意思。
例句:As a result of warning,nobody was hurt。
As a result:是一个独立短语,用于表示由于某种原因或事件的结果,常用于句首或句中。
As a result of:是一个介词短语,用于表示由于某种原因或事件的结果,通常用于引导从句或后接名词短语。
As a result:
例句:The team worked hard, and as a result, they won the championship.(团队努力工作,结果赢得了冠军。)
As a result of:
例句:The game was canceled as a result of heavy rain.(由于暴雨,比赛被取消了。)
As a result:
例句:She studied diligently, and as a result, her grades improved significantly.(她学习刻苦,结果成绩有了显著提高。)
As a result of:
例句:As a result of the company's cost-cutting measures, several employees were laid off.(由于公司的削减成本措施,几名员工被解雇了。)
As a result:
例句:The factory implemented new automation technologies, and as a result, production efficiency increased.(工厂实施了新的自动化技术,结果生产效率提高了。)
As a result of:
例句:As a result of extensive research, the scientists made a groundbreaking discovery.(由于大量的研究,科学家们做出了重大突破性的发现。)
As a result:
例句:The team trained hard, and as a result, they developed a strong sense of camaraderie.(团队努力训练,结果建立了坚固的友情。)
As a result of:
例句:As a result of the company's commitment to employee welfare, employee satisfaction and loyalty increased.(由于公司对员工福利的承诺,员工的满意度和忠诚度提高了。)
As a result:
例句:The team worked hard, and as a result, they won the championship.(团队努力工作,结果赢得了冠军。)
As a result of:
例句:The flight was delayed as a result of bad weather.(由于天气不好,航班延误了。)
以上是"As a result"和"As a result of"在不同方面的区别,并且附有英文例句,希望对您有所帮助。
从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析as a result和as a result of的区别,详细内容如下。
1. 释义区别:
- "As a result"表示作为某种结果或后果。
- "As a result of"表示由于某种原因或因果关系而导致的结果或后果。
- "He didn't study for the exam, and as a result, he failed."(他没有为考试学习,结果就是他不及格了。)(as a result)
- "The heavy rain caused flooding, and as a result of it, many houses were damaged."(暴雨导致水灾,因此许多房屋受损。)(as a result of)
2. 用法区别:
- "As a result"通常用作一个连词短语,引导一个句子,表达一个导致某种结果的原因或情况。
- "As a result of"通常用作介词短语,接一个名词短语,表示由于某种原因而导致的结果或后果。
- "She worked hard and, as a result, she got a promotion."(她努力工作,结果得到了晋升。)(as a result)
- "The factory had to close as a result of the economic downturn."(由于经济低迷,工厂不得不关闭。)(as a result of)
3. 使用环境区别:
- "As a result"和"as a result of"在使用环境上没有明显的区别,两者都可用于口语和书面语。
- "The team lost the game, and as a result, they were eliminated from the tournament."(球队输掉比赛,结果就是他们被淘汰出了比赛。)(as a result)
- "Due to the strike, there was a shortage of supplies, and as a result of it, many businesses were affected."(由于罢工,供应短缺,因此许多企业受到影响。)(as a result of)
4. 形象区别:
- "As a result"强调某种结果或后果,通常指向已发生的情况。
- "As a result of"强调由于某种原因而导致的结果或后果,强调因果关系。
- "He didn't take care of his health, and as a result, he fell ill."(他没有照顾好自己的健康,结果生病了。)(as a result)
- "As a result of the heavy snowfall, the roads were closed."(由于大雪,道路被关闭了。)(as a result of)
5. 影响范围区别:
- "As a result"和"as a result of"都可以用于表示单个事件或较小的范围导致的结果;而"as a result of"通常用于表示更广泛的原因或因果关系导致的结果。
- "He missed the train and, as a result, he was late for work."(他错过了火车,结果上班迟到了。)(较小范围的结果)
- "As a result of the global recession, many companies went bankrupt."(由于全球经济衰退,许多公司破产了。)(较大范围的结果)
首先我们来看下as a result和as a result of的大致意思:
as a result:词性为短语,as a result 是一个短语,由介词 as 和名词 result 组成,意为“因此,结果”。
as a result of:词性为短语,as a result of 是一个短语,由介词 as、一个名词 result 和介词 of 组成,意为“由于,因为”。
通过下面的表格我们了解下as a result和as a result of的含义、发音和用法
接下来让我们看下as a result和as a result of的用法区别:
1.构成:as a result 是由介词 as 和名词 result 组成,而 as a result of 是由介词 as、一个名词 result 和介词 of 组成。
- He was tired, and as a result, he resigned.
- She failed, and as a result of that, she felt depressed.
2.用法位置:as a result 通常放在句子后面,表示一个事情发生的原因或结果;as a result of 通常放在句子后面,表示一个事情发生的原因。
- The weather was bad, so the match was canceled as a result.
- The crops died as a result of too much rain.
3.含义:as a result 强调一个事情发生的结果,而 as a result of 强调一个事情发生的原因。
- He was often late, and as a result, he was fired.
- He was late as a result of the traffic congestion.
4.语法结构:as a result 作为一个独立的短语存在,而 as a result of 是一个介词短语,需要与其他词组合使用。
- He studied hard, and as a result, he got good grades.
- Many people became unemployed as a result of the economic crisis.
关于 as a result和as a result of 的区别,由我来给大家解答一下吧 ヾ(•ω•`)o。
咱们大体了解一下👉🏻:"As a result" 是一个连词短语,引导整个句子,表示某个事件或情况的结果;"as a result of" 是一个介词短语,引导名词短语,表示由于某个原因或事件而导致的结果。它们在语法结构上有所不同,但意义上都表示因此或结果是。
再来看一个表格来比对一下 as a result和as a result of:
"as a result" 是一个短语,在句中作为连词使用,连接两个句子或短语,表示因果关系。
例子1:She didn't study for the exam, and as a result, she failed.(她没有为考试学习,结果考试没及格。)
"as a result of" 是一个介词短语,在句中作为介词使用,后面接名词或名词性短语,表示因果关系。
例子2:As a result of the heavy rain, the outdoor event was canceled.(由于大雨,户外活动被取消了。)
"as a result" 后面的句子通常需要一个主语来形成完整的句子。
例子3:He didn't pay attention in class, and as a result, his grades dropped.(他在课堂上没注意,结果成绩下降了。)
"as a result of" 后面已经有名词或名词性短语作为主语,不需要再添加主语。
例子4:As a result of the economic crisis, many people lost their jobs.(由于经济危机,很多人失去了工作。)
"as a result" 是一个常用的固定短语,更常见,口语和书面语均可使用。
例子5:He skipped breakfast, and as a result, he felt hungry during the meeting.(他没吃早饭,结果在会议期间感到饥饿。)
"as a result of" 更为正式,通常用于书面文体或正式场合。
例子6:The match was canceled as a result of the adverse weather conditions.(由于恶劣的天气条件,比赛被取消了。)
"as a result" 通常不影响句子的动词位置。
例子7:She forgot her umbrella, and as a result, got soaked in the rain.(她忘记带伞,结果在雨中被淋湿了。)
"as a result of" 通常使得句子的动词位置发生变化,因为它是一个介词短语。
例子8:As a result of the delay, they missed their flight.(由于延误,他们错过了飞机。)