急求下文英文翻译。。。。 各路大神速来显神通啊。。。不要在线翻译直接贴的。。。急急急!!!!论文用

2024-12-03 14:59:22

1 Introduction.
in recent years with the club culture deeply, the market has been opened, people release natural at the same time in the night, its culture is also more win support among the people, the design will be the main melody to night, to show people a myself. Young people from the vent point of view, these places is the consumption of these young people excess energy and pressure of their own good exports, which is based, young, from the point of view of experience and physical health level, are they need an outlet to vent, regardless of is the daily life boring or to new things for, from the energy balance point of view is a good thing. From the busy city life, the rapid development of economy, the people surrounding environment has changed, the competition for the position, making the present these in which young people really need a can restore the real me export. The development of a culture must drive each element associated with the simultaneous development. "Night" in the high speed development of culture today, under the darkness of the dress also needs a system of sorting out, so that people can show their personality in the night under the sway of vitality and youth, with the rise of their own.