G70 是定位及冲压锁定 这个意思 命令形式是G90 G70 Xx Yy
GE FANUC 310i 数控冲床G代码:
The preparatory function codes are used to establish modes of operation. The following G codes are listed in their numeric sequence and also by group. In any group, one G code will cancel the other. The * denotes the default code when power is applied to the control.
Up to five G codes may be programmed on one line. If a line contains conflicting G codes, such as G00 G01, the last one read will control, but not in all cases.
G00 01 Point to point positioning YES Standard
G01* 01 Linear interpolation YES Standard
G02 01 Circular interpolation-CW Arc YES Standard
G03 01 Circular interpolation-CCW Arc YES Standard
G04 00 Dwell NO Standard
G09 00 Deceleration NO Standard
G10 00 Programmable data input mode SOME Optional
G11 00 Programmable data input mode cancel YES Optional
G10.6 00 Tool retract and recover NO Optional
G12.1 26 Polar coordinate interpolation YES Optional
G13.1* 26 Polar coordinate interpolation cancel YES Optional
G18* 16 ZX plane selection YES Standard
G19 16 YZ plane selection YES Standard
G20 01 Turning cycle YES Standard
G21 01 Threading cycle YES Standard
G24 01 Facing cycle YES Standard
G22 04 Stored stroke check ON YES Optional
G23 04 Stored stroke check Off YES Optional
G27 00 Reference point return check NO Standard
G28 00 Reference point return NO Standard
G29 00 Return from reference point NO Standard
G30 00 2nd, 3rd & 4th reference point return NO Optional
G30.1 00 Floating reference point return NO Optional
G31 00 Skip function NO Optional
G33 01 Thread cutting, constant lead YES Standard
G40* 07 Tool nose radius compensation cancel YES Standard
G41 07 Tool nose radius compensation Left YES Standard
G42 07 Tool nose radius compensation Right YES Standard
G43.7 23 Tool offset compensation (extended tool selection) YES Optional
G52 00 Local coordinate system shift YES 2 axis only
G53 00 Machine coordinate system selection NO Standard
G54 14 Work coordinate system 1 selection YES Standard
G55 14 Work coordinate system 2 selection YES Standard
G56 14 Work coordinate system 3 selection YES Standard
G57 14 Work coordinate system 4 selection YES Standard
G58 14 Work coordinate system 5 selection YES Standard
G59 14 Work coordinate system 6 selection YES Standard
G61 15 Exact stop mode YES Standard
G62 15 Automatic corner override YES Standard
G64* 15 Cutting mode YES Standard
G65 00 Marco call NO Optional
G66 12 Macro mode call A YES Optional
G67* 12 Macro mode call cancel YES Optional
G68 13 Balance cutting YES Optional
G69 13 Cancel balance cutting YES Optional
G70 06 Inch programming YES Standard
G71 06 Metric programming YES Standard
G72 00 Finishing cycle YES Optional
G73 00 Stock removal-turning YES Optional
G74 00 Stock removal-facing YES Optional
G75 00 Pattern repeat YES Optional
G76 00 Peck drilling in Z axis YES Optional
G77 00 Grooving-X axis YES Optional
G78 00 Threading cycle YES Optional
G80* 09 Canned cycle cancel YES Optional
G83 09 Face drilling cycle YES Optional
G84 09 Face tapping cycle YES Optional
G85 09 Face boring cycle YES Optional
G87 09 Side drilling cycle YES Optional
G88 09 Side tapping cycle YES Optional
G89 09 Side boring cycle YES Optional
G90* 03 Absolute dimension input YES Standard
G91 03 Incremental dimension input YES Standard
G92 00 Work change/ maximum table speed NO Standard
G94 05 Inches (MM) per minute feedrate YES Standard
G95* 05 Inches (MM) per table revolution YES Standard
G96 02 Constant surface speed YES Standard
G97* 02 Direct rpm YES Standard
G98* 10 Canned cycle initial level return YES Optional
G99 10 Canned cycle R point level return YES Optional