Simple analysis about internet-based high school ideologic and politic lessons
abstract: With the swift development of internet, the way of university students' studies, lives and thoughts had been changed, politic attitude, moral charactor and values of the students had also been influenced. The High school's ideological and political education had been seriously challenged as well as given a great new optunity. This thesis focused on the existed on-line ideological and political education problems and analysised the influence internet brought to the IPE, and result in balancing reasonablly the challenges and optunities and presenting a new method of how to strengthen the HSIPE in the new era internet environment based on taking advantages of its active factors and elimiting its negative affections, to increase the effects of HSIPE.
key words: High School,Internet, IPE
P.S.&P.S. 我想要多多的悬赏分。。。。。。。。。