
2024-12-01 13:16:40

People from almost all cultures throughout history have been making objects from wood. Some of the first wooden objects included weapons and tools. Early cultures also learned to make boats, buildings and tools. Early cultures also learned to make boats, buildings and furniture for home from this material. However, it is not always easy to say which wooden objects existed during a historical period tecause they often did not last as long as objects made from clay or metal.
Experts say most current woodworking tools were developed by the beginning of the Bronze Age, about five thousand years ago. These tools include the saw, ax, chisel and drill which are used to cut and shape wood in different ways. Also, there are many methods of wood-working and each culture has its own tradition. Artistic wood creations include architectural decoration on uildings, furniture for home or even carved animals. For example, in Thailand, richly-detailed carvings(雕刻) from teak and other hard wood are an important part of ancient palaces and religious buildings.
Woodcarvers were a very important group of artists. A person needed many years of training with experts to be a woodcarver. Wood carvings often include plant forms such as the lotus flower as well as figures taken from Hindu and Buddhist religious stories.
The carvings are very detailed and must be carefully planned. Usually, a carver draws out the patterns and forms on paper. Then the artist cuts holes along the outline of the design. This paper is placed on the piece of wood then covered with chalk dust. The white chalk dust goes through the holes in the paper and marks the wood, so the carver has a visual guide to begin cutting. Finished woodcarvings are often painted, sometimes with gold to reflect the surrounding light. These expertly made golden carvings give an airy lightness to Thai buildings.

Unit 2
The stability of a continuous or discrete-time system is determined by its response to input or disturbance. Intuitively, a stable system is one that remains at rest (or in equilibrium) unless excited by an external source and returns to rest if all excitations are removed. The output will pass through a transient phase and settle down to a steady-state response that will be of the same form as, or bounded by, the input. If we apply the same input to an unstable system, the output will never settle down to a steady-state phase; it will increase in an unbounded manner, usually exponentially or with oscillation of increasing amplitude.
Stability can be precisely defined in terms of the impulse response of a continuous system, Kronrcker delta response of a discrete-time system, as follows: A continuous (discrete-time) system is stable if its impulse response (Kronecker response ) approaches zero as time approaches infinity.
系统的稳定性可以用连续系统的脉冲响应 或者离散系统的Kronrcker Δ 响应 来定义:一个连续(离散)系统是稳定的,如果其脉冲响应 (Kronrcker Δ 响应 )当时间趋于无穷大时趋于零。
An acceptable system must at minimum satisfy the three basic criteria of stability, accuracy, and a satisfactory transient response. These three criteria are implied in the statement that an acceptable system must have a satisfactory time response to specified inputs and disturbances. So although we work in the Laplace and frequency domains for convenience, we must be able to relate these two domains, at least qualitatively, to the time domain.
With the transfer function in the form of Eq.(2-2A-1), the order of the system in defined as the order of the characteristic function D(s), the highest power of s appearing in D(s) establishes the order of the system.
The first term is the forced solution, due to the input, and the second the transient solution, due to the system pole. Fig.2-2A-2 shows this transient as well as c(t). The transient is seen to be a decaying exponential, and the commonly used measured of the speed of decay is the time constant:
The time constant is the time in seconds for the decaying exponential transient to be reduced to e-1=0.368 of its initial value.
Since when t=T, it is seen that the time constant for a simple lag is T seconds. This is, in fact, the reason a simple lag transfer function is often written in this form. The coefficient of s then immediately indicates the speed of decay, and it takes 4T seconds for the transient to decay to 1.8% of its initial value.
第一项为强迫解,对应于输入;第二项为瞬态解,对应于系统的极点。 在图2-2A-2中,该瞬态解为c(t)。瞬态解看上去为指数衰减的,且通常用于衡量衰减速度的是时间常数:
因为,当t=T, ,对于一阶惯性环节,时间常数是T秒。这也是为什么一阶惯性环节要写成这个形式。S的系数立即给出了衰减的速度。而且,当时间为4T时, 瞬态解衰减至初始值的1.8%。

B:Steady State
A control system is designed to control the dynamic behavior( the time response) of a plant subject to commands or disturbances. The designer should be fully aware, however, of the role of the steady equations and errors in the overall process, as well as their influence on the dynamic behavior of the plant.
An accuracy of a system is a measure of how well it follows commands. It is an important performance criterion; a guidance system that cannot place spacecraft on a suitable trajectory is obviously useless no matter how well-behaved its transient response.
Actual system are also subjected to undesirable inputs, such as noise in command inputs and disturbances arising from changes in the plant parameters or changes in the environment in which the plant is operating. Noise inputs that enter the system with the command input require filtering techniques to remove or suppress them without affecting the command input itself. We shall limit our discussion to disturbance inputs which enter the system at the plant rather than at the controller.
实际系统总是容易受到不希望的输入干扰,例如, 命令输入中的噪声以及由于参数改变在被控对象中产生的干扰或者被控对象工作环境变化产生的干扰。随着命令输入进入系统的噪声输入需要滤波器进行驱除或者抑制并不对输入信号产生影响。我们将限于讨论通过被控对象进行系统的噪声而不讨论通过控制器进入系统的噪声。
It is often difficult to minimize both components of the error simultaneously. Obviously, it is necessary to have some knowledge as to the nature of probable disturbance inputs. Both error terms of Eq.(2-2B-7) can be set equal to zero by introducing an integrator into the controller. This additional integrator increases the type of the system ( from 1 to 2, for example) , thus eliminating the velocity error, and by being introduced ahead of the point of entry of the disturbance into the system, eliminates the steady-state error resulting from a step in the disturbance input. This additional integrator must be accompanied by at least one zero if the system is to remain stable.
通常同时将误差的两个部分最小化是困难的。很明显,具有适当的干扰输入特性的一些知识是很有必要的。方程2-2B-7的两个误差项都能通过在控制器中加入积分器而消除。这些附加的积分器增加了系统的型(例如,从1型系统变为2型系统),因此可以消除速度误差,并通过在系统扰动进入点之前引入积分环节,可以消除由输入信号中包含的阶跃扰动引起的稳态误差。如果要保持系统稳定该附加的积分器必须相应增加至少一个零点。 The process gas provided by the mixing station will be preheated by using a heat exchanger. The temperature contol of the gas will be done in a closed loop. The preheated H2/N2 is distributed to the different humidifier systems. In the humidifier the process gas will be enriched with the required H2O steam in order to create a stable dew point in the furnace. The dew point will be measured in the humidifier and in the furnace. Both measurements will be used for control in a cascading control circuit as described in the following chapter.
The following schematic shows the control concept of one decarburizing zone in the furnace.
In order to get a very high control quality a cascading control circuit is used, where a main controller uses an actual dew point value of high accuracy and hands over the set point of the consecutive controller as an output.
This controller adjusts a dew point of the process gas measured directly at the outlet of the humidifier.
The main advantage of this concept is that
the consecutive controller is able to control disturbances of humidifying arrangement directly, because the dew point measurement of the humidifier has got a very short response time compared with the quite longer response time of the furnace dew point. This is caused by bigger time delays of the measurement and the delay time of the process gas to come into the furnace.
Analysis station for CO/CO2, H2 and O2ppm monitoring,
extracting method will be multiplexed sampling
An analysis station designed as a complete functional unit will be used for monitoring the composition of the atmosphere in the Furnace.

The analysis station will be a single-cabinet unit complete with analyzers, pumps, solenoid valves and control unit. In normal operation, the sample gas switchover system will switch cyclically between the different sample gases. The system can also be switched to nitrogen for purging or to a calibration gas; this is not part of the normal cycle.

The sample waste gas will be fed from the sampling probe on the furnace (with filter) to the analyser or sample gas treatment system through a sample gas line routed downwards. Sample gas from each sample gas point will be extracted by the main sample gas pump to the analyser station. The sample gas 'in measurement' will be switched to the measurement line from where an additional pump pumps it to the analysers. The sample gas lines will be made from acid-resistant plastic.
The multiplexing analysis system has following probes:
For CO/CO2 the system in an actual mode can be calibrated automatically every day using an in-built comparison probe. The calibration time is triggered using an internal period value, which can be changed manually. During calibration time no measurement values are available.
A particular feature will be to switch from multiplexing measuring mode to single mode, where a certain probe gas inlet can be measured continuously and vice versa.
分析站CO/CO2 , H2和O2ppm监测,



分析站CO/CO2 , H2和O2ppm监测,


Electrical Automation

In today's ultra-competitive manufacturing environment, companies that do not invest in automation will be left behind. The old focus on using automation simply to increase productivity and reduce costs has shifted to an increased emphasis on flexibility and convertibility in the manufacturing process. Manufacturers are increasingly demanding the ability to easily switch from manufacturing Product A to manufacturing Product B without having to completely rebuild the production lines.

Real Time Systems extensive manufacturing experience across a wide range of industries has positioned us well to help our customers identify opportunities for improvements in all areas of there operations. Many different automation tools exist today to help manufacturers automate and improve their production capabilities. Some of these include:

PLC - Programmable Logic Controller
PAC - Programmable automation controller
HMI - Human Machine Interface
SCADA - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
DCS - Distributed Control System
MES - Manufacturing Execution System
APC – Advanced Process Control
BMS - Batch Management System
Simulation Software
Some advantages that can be realized by implementing advanced technology are repeatability, tighter quality control, higher efficiency, integration with business systems, increased productivity and reduction of labour. At RTS, we feel that a positive total economic impact must be attained for any automation project that is implemented. Let us help you improve your manufacturing and business systems to achieve the return on investment (ROI) and payback period customers expect today.


在今天的过度的-竞争制造业的环境,不投资在自动化的公司将会被留下。 旧的焦点关于只是使用自动化增加生产力而且减少费用已经在制造业的程序柔性和可改变上移转到增加的强调。 制造业者逐渐地正在要求能力从没有有完全地再建生产线制造对制造业的产品 B 的产品 A 容易地转变。

真正的时间制度横跨一种各类型的工业的广泛的制造业的经验已经非常放置我们在那里的所有区域中为进步帮助我们的客户识别机会操作。 许多不同的自动化工具今天存在帮助制造业者自动化而且改善他们的生产能力。 这些其中的一些包括:

PLC- 可设计的逻辑控制器
政治行动委员会 - 可设计的自动化控制器
HMI- 人类的机器接口
SCADA- 管理的控制和数据获得
直流 - 分配了控制制度
我 - 制造业实行系统
APC 前进的程序控制
BMS- 一届的管理制度
能藉由实现先进的技术被了解的一些利益是重复性, 较紧的质量控制、较高的效率,和商务整合制度、增加的生产力和劳工的减少。 在即时战略类游戏,我们感觉一种积极的完全经济的冲击一定为任何的被实现的自动化计画被达到。 让我们帮助你改善你的制造业和商务制度达成在投资 (ROI) 方面的回返和 payback 时期客户今天期待。


The main advantage of this concept is that
the consecutive controller is able to control disturbances of humidifying arrangement directly, because the dew point measurement of the humidifier has got a very short response time compared with the quite longer response time of the furnace dew point. This is caused by bigger time delays of the measurement and the delay time of the process gas to come into the furnace.
Analysis station for CO/CO2, H2 and O2ppm monitoring,
extracting method will be multiplexed sampling
An analysis station designed as a complete functional unit will be used for monitoring the composition of the atmosphere in the Furnace.

The analysis station will be a single-cabinet unit complete with analyzers, pumps, solenoid valves and control unit. In normal operation, the sample gas switchover system will switch cyclically between the different sample gases. The system can also be switched to nitrogen for purging or to a calibration gas; this is not part of the normal cycle.

The sample waste gas will be fed from the sampling probe on the furnace (with filter) to the analyser or sample gas treatment system through a sample gas line routed downwards. Sample gas from each sample gas point will be extracted by the main sample gas pump to the analyser station. The sample gas 'in measurement' will be switched to the measurement line from where an additional pump pumps it to the analysers. The sample gas lines will be made from acid-resistant plastic.
The multiplexing analysis system has following probes:
For CO/CO2 the system in an actual mode can be calibrated automatically every day using an in-built comparison probe. The calibration time is triggered using an internal period value, which can be changed manually. During calibration time no measurement values are available.
A particular feature will be to switch from multiplexing measuring mode to single mode, where a certain probe gas inlet can be measured continuously and vice versa.
分析站CO/CO2 , H2和O2ppm监测,



分析站CO/CO2 , H2和O2ppm监测,

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