1.Taj Mahal
2.Taj Mahal Mausoleum
3.The seventh is the Taj Mahal located in Agra, India.
4.The bright moonlight stowed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.
5.The bright moonlight showed the Taj Mahal in all its glory.
6.17th,June,1631 - Mumtaz Mahal died during childbirth. Her husband, Mughal emperor Shah Jahan I, then spent more than 20 years to build her tomb, the Taj Mahal.
7.Near the gardens of the Taj Mahal stands the important 16th-century Mughal monument known as the Red Fort of Agra.
和泰姬花园毗邻的红色阿格拉古堡,是16世纪重要的莫卧儿王朝纪念建筑。8.TAJ MAHAL, INDIA: The white marble-domed mausoleum in Agra was built by a 17th century Mogul emperor for his favorite wife.
9.Few buildings on earth can compete with the legendary beauty of the Taj Mahal where lie in the ancient Indian city of Agra.
10.“The marble of the Taj Mahal is quite intact — it is very high quality. There is just some yellowing in the arched areas and other parts not exposed to the rain. The mud is being used to clean only those areas.”
11.A city of north-central India on the Jumna River southeast of New Delhi. It was a Mogul capital in the16th and17th centuries and is the site of the Taj Mahal, built by the emperor Shah Jahan after the death of his favorite wife in1629. Population,694, 191.
12.The Taj complex was completed in 1653 by Shah Jahan, the Mogul emperor, in memory of Mumtaz Mahal, his second wife.
The taj mahal and the taj mahal, India's most famous and mahath, one of the sites in agra, uttar pradesh, is the mughal emperor shah jahan 5 sweat to commemorate his deceased queen's slave, ba (م tendril م ت ا ز م ح ل) and build tombs, completed in 1644. Known as "the perfect building". On July 7, 2007, and become one of the new seven wonders of the world.
Taj specific and beads, more than person, pi-nong mandela, originally in the market to sell sweets in 1612 and beautiful girl, jose mourinho and grant khoja married the prince "mu tower Mumtaz Mahal mid-town zhi (the title)". The 19 years, suffer from many pregnant, eight male six female, 1630 ji, slave in the bazaar tendril 14 secondary infection, unfortunately 裖 produced during hot, died in the camp have. Before his death to the emperor's request 4 commitment, one is to build a beautiful for her mausoleum. The taj mahal in India, in 1633 northern yamuna corner within the big garden, then started very highly-praissed by architects and Delhi hori, hu MaYong catacombs blueprint, mobilization for two thousand craftsmen and from all over the world, calligrapher, Persian, and India's central local style, spent 22 years time, complete the great white marble arts building. Taj mahath 250 feet tall building, covering an area of about 17 million square meters, 580 meters, width is 305 meters, wu, vestibular, main body, the son of garden, the mosque.
In his son Europe 1657 JieBo lang Aurangzeb aspiring), sachia (Abraham was imprisoned in agra, fort, agra, castle is built by red sandstone, say again "red fort, side, a moat castle wall of 2.5 kilometers, more than 20 meters high. Life consists of the youngest daughter, take care of food every day through the small window, anise room overlooking the river, then the taj mahal reflection float through visual deterioration, only one jewel of refraction, to watch the taj mahal. Seven years later, depression and was beside the wife.
India poet, said the taj mahal is a drop of tears, "love", "shah jahan, you know, life, and glory, and wealth and youth with time passing... only a tear in time, the taj mahal, the river flowed, sparkling, forever, forever." But also somebody thinks, shah jahan is just a lie a tyrant, wallow in sex and drugs, planted India mughal empire in the fall, finally imprisoned in agra, castle.