体验式营销在西安德发长餐饮中的应用
Experiential
Marketing
in
West
Andrew
made
a
long
dining
Application
目前,体验经济作为一种新的经济形态在我国已经初现端倪,餐饮业作为旅游服务业的重要组成部分所具有的与生俱来的体验要素与特质是开展体验营销的一大优势。餐饮业是典型的体验型行业,餐饮体验主要强调餐饮文化、服务目标群体的差异,只有基于差异性的餐饮品牌定位及其消费体验,才能提升企业形象、扩展品牌价值。基于此,餐饮业应设计餐饮体验主题,提升产品到情感和社会体验的层次塑造品牌形象,使企业在竞争中立于不败之地。本文首先介绍了德发长餐饮公司的简介,并对其餐饮进行了环境分析,通过从内部环境、外部环境优劣势等方面的分析发现德发长餐饮公司在食品消费结构、营销方式、体验手段等方面存在问题,最后针对这些问题提出了相关的对策与建议。希望通过这种体验式营销的建立能对改善常德发餐饮的经营管理状况与营销手段,增强德发长餐饮公司的竞争优势。
At
present,
the
experience
economy
as
a
new
economic
form
first
emerged
in
China
has,
catering
industry
as
an
important
part
of
travel
services
have
the
inherent
experience
of
the
elements
and
characteristics
of
experiential
marketing
is
carried
out
a
major
advantage.
The
catering
industry
is
a
typical
experience-based
industry,
catering
experience,
the
main
emphasis
of
food
culture
different
target
groups,
only
the
difference-based
food
and
beverage
brand
positioning
and
consumer
experience,
to
enhance
the
corporate
image,
build
brand
value.
Based
on
this,
catering
dining
experience
should
be
designed
themes
to
enhance
the
product
to
the
level
of
emotional
and
social
experience,
brand
image,
so
that
companies
in
an
invincible
position
in
the
competition.
This
paper
introduces
Tak
Cheung
catering
company
profile,
and
environmental
analysis
carried
out
on
their
food,
through
the
internal
environment,
external
environment
of
the
areas
of
strengths
and
weaknesses
found
in
Tak
Cheung
catering
companies
in
the
food
consumption
structure
and
marketing
experience
means
problems
such
as
the
last
light
of
these
problems
were
put
forward
countermeasures
and
suggestions.
Hope
that
the
establishment
of
experiential
marketing
can
improve
the
operation
and
management
of
Changde-fat
food
situation
and
marketing
tools,
enhanced
Tak
Cheung
catering
company's
competitive
advantage.
关键词:常德发餐饮公司;
环境分析;
体验式营销
Key
words:
Changde-fat
food
companies;
environmental
analysis;
Experiential
Marketing
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