切实可行 编辑词条 添加义项名
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所属类别 : 词汇
没有切实可行的办法让所有人都一直参与其中。There was no practicable way to involve all of us, all the time.
我们必须制定一项切实可行的计划以使我们的国家复兴起来。We must work out a practicable plan for resuscitating our country.《21世纪大英汉词典》
尽管这不一定对每个组织都切实可行,但每个尝试都应创建一个能够代表真实情况的性能测试环境。While this might not be feasible for every organization, every attempt should bemade to create a performance testing environment that is representative ofreality.