Trivial step is the 61 classes of primary school students, smart, mischievous, sense of obligation and knowledgeable, like a practical joke. 一天,由于一个很偶然的意外,步平凡陷入昏迷之中。 One day, due to a very fortuitous accident, an extraordinary step into a coma. 步平凡的爸爸、妈妈万分着急,想了各种办法为步平凡治病,都没有效果。 Step ordinary father, mother, extremely anxious, to a variety of ways to step ordinary medical treatment, had no effect. 步平凡的爸爸在万般无奈的情况下,向快乐星球发出了求救信号。 Left extraordinary step father in the case, to the Happy Planet sent a distress signal.
摆脱了黑暗星球的骚扰,快乐星球的生活又恢复了平静。 Get rid of the dark planet of harassment and happy life of the planet has to restore calm. 棒棒是快乐星球的小发明家,他对中国灿烂的古代文明非常有兴趣,暗地里一直在研究前往大唐王朝的时空穿梭机。 Bang Bang is a happy planet, a small inventor, his splendid ancient civilization of China is very interested in secretly been studying the space shuttle to the Tang dynasty. 老顽童爷爷收到步平凡爸爸的求救信号,决定派棒棒和卡卡去帮助步平凡。 Old urchin grandfather received an extraordinary step father's distress signal, decided to send Bang Bang and Kaka to help step trivial.
Q星球的Q博士是一个野心很大、自视甚高的科学天才,他的梦想就是利用科学征服整个宇宙。 Q Dr. Q planet is a very ambitious, since a very high scientific genius, his dream is to use science to conquer the whole universe. 但是,贾博士也明白,仅凭他个人的力量,根本不可能实现自己的梦想。 However, Dr. Jia also understand that his personal power alone is simply impossible to realize their dreams. 于是,他想到了利用地球上磁场口问题,试图用消磁的办法来毁灭人类。 So he thought of using the earth magnetic field mouth problems, tried degaussing ways to destroy mankind. 故事围绕着三方任务的行为展开。 The story revolves around the behavior that the tripartite mission.
因为棒棒和卡卡的粗心,步平凡少吃了一粒急救药丸,虽然清醒过来了,但是也造成了身体的一些变化,例如:左手的力量特别大,过目不忘,对事情还经常有一些预感。 Because Bang Bang and Kaka's carelessness, the pace of an ordinary first aid eating pills, while sober, but also caused some changes in the body, such as: the left forces, especially large, never forget it, things often have Some premonition. 贾博士得知快乐星球帮助步平凡,认为通过步平凡也许是打入快乐星球内部的一条捷径。 Dr. Jia Happy Planet helps to know an extraordinary step that may be adopted by an extraordinary step into the Happy Planet within a shortcut.
一天晚上,步平凡做了一个奇怪的梦。 One night, an extraordinary step to do a strange dream. 在梦里,他和棒棒、卡卡一起来到了明朝,住进了望京客栈,还和朱老板的一双儿女同在私塾读书。 In the dream, he and Bang Bang, Kaka came together with the Ming dynasty, was admitted to the Wangjing Inn, but also, and the boss's son and daughter with reading in the classroom. 在梦里,发生了许多有趣的事情,他和棒棒大显身手,帮助人们解决不少难题。 In the dream, there were many interesting things, he and Bang Bang to show their talents to help people solve many problems. 同时他们也发现,私塾这个地方的能量场很特殊。 At the same time they also found that private schools of this place very special energy field. 梦醒了,步平凡的生活又恢复了正常,他对梦里发生的事情只是有一些很模糊的印象。 Wake up, and step ordinary life has returned to normal, his dream happened only have some very vague impression.
Trivial step is the 61 classes of primary school students, smart, mischievous, sense of obligation and knowledgeable, like a practical joke. One day, due to a very fortuitous accident, an extraordinary step into a coma. Step ordinary father, mother, extremely anxious, to a variety of ways to step ordinary medical treatment, had no effect. Left extraordinary step father in the case, to the Happy Planet sent a distress signal.
Get rid of the dark planet of harassment and happy life of the planet has to restore calm. Bang Bang is a happy planet, a small inventor, his splendid ancient civilization of China is very interested in secretly been studying the space shuttle to the Tang dynasty. Old urchin grandfather received an extraordinary step father's distress signal, decided to send Bang Bang and Kaka to help step trivial.
Q Dr. Q planet is a very ambitious, since a very high scientific genius, his dream is to use science to conquer the whole universe. However, Dr. Jia also understand that his personal power alone is simply impossible to realize their dreams. So he thought of using the earth magnetic field mouth problems, tried degaussing ways to destroy mankind. The story revolves around the behavior that the tripartite mission.
Because Bang Bang and Kaka's carelessness, the pace of an ordinary first aid eating pills, while sober, but also caused some changes in the body, such as: the left forces, especially large, never forget it, things often have Some premonition. Dr. Jia Happy Planet helps to know an extraordinary step that may be adopted by an extraordinary step into the Happy Planet within a shortcut.
One night, an extraordinary step to do a strange dream. In the dream, he and Bang Bang, Kaka came together with the Ming dynasty, was admitted to the Wangjing Inn, but also, and the boss's son and daughter with reading in the classroom. In the dream, there were many interesting things, he and Bang Bang to show their talents to help people solve many problems. At the same time they also found that private schools of this place very special energy field. Wake up, and step ordinary life has returned to normal, his dream happened only have some very vague impression.
Trivial step is the 61 classes of primary school students, smart, mischievous, sense of obligation and knowledgeable, like a practical joke. One day, due to a very fortuitous accident, an extraordinary step into a coma. Step ordinary father, mother, extremely anxious, to a variety of ways to step ordinary medical treatment, had no effect. Left extraordinary step father in the case, to the Happy Planet sent a distress signal.
Get rid of the dark planet of harassment and happy life of the planet has to restore calm. Bang Bang is a happy planet, a small inventor, his splendid ancient civilization of China is very interested in secretly been studying the space shuttle to the Tang dynasty. Old urchin grandfather received an extraordinary step father's distress signal, decided to send Bang Bang and Kaka to help step trivial.
Q Dr. Q planet is a very ambitious, since a very high scientific genius, his dream is to use science to conquer the whole universe. However, Dr. Jia also understand that his personal power alone is simply impossible to realize their dreams. So he thought of using the earth magnetic field mouth problems, tried degaussing ways to destroy mankind. The story revolves around the behavior that the tripartite mission.
Because Bang Bang and Kaka's carelessness, the pace of an ordinary first aid eating pills, while sober, but also caused some changes in the body, such as: the left forces, especially large, never forget it, things often have Some premonition. Dr. Jia Happy Planet helps to know an extraordinary step that may be adopted by an extraordinary step into the Happy Planet within a shortcut.
One night, an extraordinary step to do a strange dream. In the dream, he and Bang Bang, Kaka came together with the Ming dynasty, was admitted to the Wangjing Inn, but also, and the boss's son and daughter with reading in the classroom. In the dream, there were many interesting things, that he and Bang Bang to show their talents to help people solve many problems. At the same time they also found that private schools of this place very special energy field. Wake up, and step ordinary life has returned to normal, his dream happened only have some very vague impression.