1.He does his homework in the evening.
He doesn't do his homework in the evening.
Does he do homework in the evening? Yes, he does./ No, he doesn't.
2.He did his homework yesterday evening.
He didn't do his homework yesterday evening.
Did he do his homework yesterday evening? Yes, he did./ No, he didn't.
3.He is doing his homework now.
He isn't doing his homework now.
Is he doing his homework now? Yes, he is./ No, he isn't.
4.He has done his homework.
He hasn't done his homework.
Has he done his homework? Yes, he has./ No, he hasn't.
5.He was doing his homework this time yesterday.
He wasn't doing his homework this time yesterday.
Was he doing his homework this time yesterday? Yes, he was./ No, he wasn't.
以上五种时态都用do 作为谓语动词,你可以通过对比弄清楚动词在各种时态中的形式。
1.mydogdoesn'trunfast. doesyourdogrunfast? 2.mikedoesn'thave twolettersforhim. doesmikehavetwolettersforhim ? 3.suyangdoesn't washanyciothesonsaturday. doessuyangusallywashanyciothesonsaturday?
doestomdohishomeworkathome? 5.这个句子好像有点问题 6.Lastweekldidn'treadanEnglishbook. didyoureadanEnglishbooklastweek? 7.Mybrotherwasn'tintheparkjustnow. wasyourbrotherintheparkjustnow? 8.Shedidn'thavesomebreadforlunchtoday . didshehavesomebreadforlunchtoday ? 9.Theydidn'treadEnglishlastnight. didtheyreadEnglishlastnight? 望采纳。
I didn't play basketball yesterday.
I played basketball yesterday.
Did you play basketball yesterday?
I didn't watch TV last night.
I watched TV last night.
Did you watch TV last night?
He wasn't here last week.
He was here last week.
Was he here last week?
JIm didn't have supper.
Jim had supper.
DId Jim have supper?
Joy didn't play cards
Joy played cards.
Did Joy play cards?
Xiaoming didn't play computer games.
Xiaoming played computer games.
Did Xiaoming play computer games?
He didn't write down the question.
He wrote down the question.
Did he write down the question?
She wasn't in the classroom last class.
She was in the classroom last class.
Was she in the classroom last class?
He didn't play erhu yesterday.
He played erhu yesterday.
Did he play erhu yesterday?
She wasn't seven years old last year.
She was seven years old last year.
Was she seven years old last year?