
2024-12-04 08:50:05

自贡是天府之国的一颗璀璨明珠,为四川省最早的省辖市和工业重镇之一。具有两千年的盐业历史和60年建市史,恐龙化石、井盐和灯会被称为自贡的“大三绝”,"小三绝"是龚扇、扎染和剪纸,素以“千年盐都”、“恐龙之乡”、“南国灯城”等美誉而蜚声中外。清朝中叶以来,自贡一直是中国井盐生产的中心,如今已发展成为以盐业化工、机电、纺织、轻工、食品、新型建材等为支柱产业的中等工业城市,同时也是国家级历史文化名城、对外开放城市、全国卫生城市、四川省级风景名胜区和世界地质公园。Zigong is a shining pearl of the land of abundance, for the first of Sichuan Province, one of the cities and industrial centers. Two thousand years with the salt industry and the history of 60 years to build the history of the city, dinosaur fossils, and Well Salt Zigong, known as the Lantern Festival "Sanjue" and "small Sanjue" Gong is a fan, tie-dye and paper-cutting, are renowned for their "Millennium salt "" Dinosaur town "," southern city of light "and reputation as a world-renowned Chinese and foreign. Since the middle of the Qing Dynasty, China Zigong Well Salt production has been at the center, now has developed into a salt chemical industry, mechanical and electrical products, textiles, light industry, food, building materials, such as a new pillar industry for the industrial city in the middle, but also state-level historical and cultural city, City opening to the outside world, the National Health City, Sichuan Province-level scenic spots and the World Geological Park.