楼上说的也不对,棒球帽在美国就叫baseball cap,不是hat. 钞票美语是bill,英语是note
足球 美: soccer 英: football
车后备箱 美: trunk 英: boot
预约,预订 美: reserve 英: book
Part 1
US-UK - Cars and Driving:
antenna --- aerial
beltway (Eastern U.S.)--- orbital
circle, traffic circle --- roundabout
crossroads--- fourway
defroster--- window heater
detour (noun)--- diversion
dirt road --- unmade road
divided highway--- dual carriageway
drive shaft --- propeller shaft
driver's license --- driving licence
drunk driving--- drink-driving
dump truck --- dumper truck
expressway --- motorway
(Eastern U.S.)
fender --- wing
fill up --- top up See Notes
four lane road --- dual carriageway
freeway (Western U.S.)--- motorway See Notes
gas petrol
gear shift --- gear lever
high beams --- full lights
hood --- bonnet
Interstate --- motorway
left turn --- turning left
low beams --- lights dipped
median --- central reservation
muffler --- car silencer
odometer --- clock
overpass --- flyover
parking lot--- car park
power train --- transmission
reflectors cats eyes
(embedded in road)---
rental car --- hire car
right turn --- turning right
rotary (New England) --- roundabout
straightaway --- straight
(as at a race track)
top off --- top up
towing --- recovery
transmission --- gear box
trunk --- boot
tire --- tyre
turn signals --- indicators
unpaved road --- unmade road
windshield --- windscreen
Part 2
US-UK - Food:
appetizers--- starters
baked potato --- baked potato
jacket potato
canned (in metal)--- tinned
cookie --- biscuit
cornstarch --- cornflour
cotton candy --- candy floss
dessert --- dessert
eggplant --- aubergine
fish sticks --- fish fingers
french fries --- chips
ground meat --- mince
hamburger--- mince
jello --- jelly
jelly --- jam
oatmeal--- porridge
potato chips --- crisps
preserves --- preserves
zucchini --- courgettes
zucchini squash
Part 3
US-UK - Others:
aluminum --- aluminium
antenna --- aerial
apartment--- flat
asphalt --- tarmac
attorney --- solicitor See Notes
See Diggins' Notes
backpack --- rucksack
baggage claim (airport)--- baggage reclaim
bid (as in bid for a --- tender (noun or verb)
bill (as in currency)--- note See Notes
blind (noun - as in--- hide
duck blind)
botanical garden --- botanic garden
business reply mail--- freepost
(no stamp needed)
busy (as in telephone) --- engaged
by trade (as in "a --- to trade
carpenter by trade")
bus --- coach
car (railroad)--- coach (railway)
cart (noun) --- trolley
cheap --- shoddy
check (in a restaurant)--- bill See Notes
clippings (as in news --- cuttings
"clued in"--- "clued up"
collect call --- reverse charge call
counterclockwise --- anticlockwise
crib (for a baby)--- cot
curse word --- swear word
diapers --- nappies
dish cloth, dish towel--- tea towel See Notes
doing the dishes --- washing up
dress (noun)--- frock
drug store --- chemists
elevator --- lift
equip, fit out (verb)--- fit
eraser--- rubber
"excuse me" --- "sorry"
fall --- autumn
faucet --- tap
fire --- sack
(verb - from employment)
fixtures--- fittings
(as in plumbing)
flashlight --- torch
for rent--- to let
"for that matter"--- "come to that"
"from now on"--- "in future"
See Diggins' Notes
garter --- suspenders
"get on the train" --- "join the train"
homey (pleasant) --- homely
(In the U.S., "homely"
describes a person as
plain or unattractive)
in the hospital --- in hospital See Notes
inexpensive --- cheap
(not necessarily
in a negative light)
layoff --- redundancy (verb - to
(verb - to lay off) make redundant)
laundromat--- laundrette
lawyer--- solicitor See Notes
See Additional Notes
See A Canadian Perspective
See Diggins' Notes
license (noun and verb)--- licence (noun)
license (verb)
line--- queue
(noun as in "bus line"
and verb as in
"line up")
mail --- post
math --- maths
men's room --- gents
movie theater--- cinema
moving --- removal
(as in moving van)
nothing--- nil
non-profit organization --- charity
on line --- on stream
(as in "forthcoming")
open house --- open day
pacifier--- dummy
pants--- trousers
"pardon me" --- "sorry"
period (punctuation)--- full stop
pharmacy--- chemists
prenatal--- antenatal
principal--- headmaster
pruners --- secateurs
(or clippers)
railroad --- railway
raise (in salary) --- rise
range (see "Stove")---
rates, prices --- tariffs
rebate (noun) --- cashback
rent (rent a car) --- hire (hire a car)
reservations --- bookings
(verb - to reserve (verb - to book)
as in restaurant,
restroom --- toilet
round trip --- return (return ticket)
(as in round
trip ticket)
run (for election)--- stand (for election)
set (verb - as in --- fix
"set a date")
shopping cart --- shopping trolley
sick --- ill
sleep in --- lie in
sneakers --- trainers
soccer --- football
sports --- sport
stove, stovetop --- hob
stroller--- pram
study --- read
(verb - as in
"study a subject
in college")
See Diggins' Notes
study of--- tuition for
(noun as in "study
of the flute")
subway--- tube
suspenders--- braces
sweater--- jumper
telephone booth --- telephone box
tent--- marquee See Notes
toll-free --- freephone
transportation--- transport (noun)
trash bag--- bin liner
trash can--- dustbin
tricky (chancy)--- dodgy
triple --- treble
truck --- lorry
tuition --- fee
turtle neck --- polo neck, roll neck
underpass --- subway
undershirt --- vest
vacation --- holiday
vacuum (noun and verb)--- hoover
vacuum cleaner(noun)
vacuum tube --- valve
vest --- waistcoat
walker (device to --- walking frame
assist the elderly)
wrench (noun)--- spanner
zero --- nil
英式英语 美式英语
棒球帽 cap hat
内裤 pants underwear
长裤 trousers pants
钞票 bank note check