
2024-07-11 09:57:54


想要提高托福写作成绩,最权威的官方范文请参考托福考试机构 ETS 出版的托福官方指南(official guide,简称OG),OG 上明确了托福写作的评分要求和应对策略,并且给出了独立写作和综合写作各个分数段的范文和考官评价。OG 比其它写作教材更有针对性,也更具权威性。

  1. 熟读 OG 上关于写作的评分要求,认真研读官方的满分范文。

  2. 做一套 TPO 写作题目(包括独立写作和综合写作),找到自己的作文和满分作文的差距。

  3. 根据内容、结构、语言三个方面的能力强弱,制定一个有针对性的训练计划。比如,内容方面需要观察生活、积累作文素材;结构方面得研究议论文的写作框架;语言方面要多学习别人地道的表达。如果是听力或者阅团誉裤读问题,导致综合写作不好,则要强化听力和阅读。

  4. 做阶段性的能力测试(比如每周做一套 TPO),实时掌握自己的能力提高情况,并对计划作出调整。    


首先我先和大家分享两个真实的案例。在今年的一次考试中,学生A.B的写作成绩单后面的评价都是good。但是学生A是 30分的满分成绩。而学生B则是 24分。那么今天我们就结合ETS 的原始评分1-5分制来讲解一下,为什么明明学生A和B都是两个good,分数上却有饥槐明这么大的区别呢?
首先在任务的回应程度上和文章组织上, 4 分作文的特点是:
1. address the topic and the task well though some points may not be elaborated (不错的完成任务,即使部分观点没有展开)
2. Display progression, unity, and coherence , though it may occur redundancy, digression, or unclear expressions (表现出统一性和明棚推进力和凝烂告聚力,但存在偶尔的冗余,偏题)
1. Effectively addresses the task (有效的解决话题)
2. Display unity, progress and coherence ( 表现出统一性和推进力和凝聚力)
从上面的表述来看,如果从4-5 我们需要做的就是充分展开观点,并且减少文章的冗余程度。但是充分展开和文章冗余如何去定义呢? 下面我们就通过两个官方给的范文片段来具体阐述:
1. On the other hand, adults should consider moving out when they are sure that they are ready for it. Being ready includes being financially, physically, and psychologically ready. One major advantage for staying with your parents is financially advantage. Because one gets to save money between the residency and daily living issues.

Most young adults prefer to have a separate or independent life from their parents or families as soon as possible. This is because they have a strong urge for freedom in doing what they desire. But in fact, many of them fail. This should not be surprising since often they are actually not ready mentally although they are physically ready. It is widely understood that to live independently requires a lot of energy and is not easy at all. In this twenty first century, people may need more and more preparation because competition is increasing rapidly. An observation shows that many University graduated students are unemployed. Therefore, they will not be able to support and fulfill their necessities.

这两个段落同样都是在讨论年轻人是否能够独立生活。但是对比之下我们发现,第二个段落要比第一个段落展开更加具体,有具体的例子来进行支持,比如作者用了一个observation 的例子来支持前面的观点,什么导致现在年轻人不能够独立生活,而且文章逻辑紧凑可以十分有力的支持这一段的分论点。

B. 语言表述:
1. Displays facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety and range of vocabulary , though it will probably have occasional noticeable errors in the structure, word form, or use of idiomatic language that do not interfere with meaning 表现语言的应用能力,体现语言的多样性,词汇量,虽然可能会出现偶尔结构上,词形上或用语上的错误,这些错误并不影响理解。
2. Demonstrates syntactic variety and appropriate word choice though it may have occasional errors
Some argues (主谓不一致),” “living in their own (固定搭配使用错误),” “become independence (词性错误),”诸如上面一些错误并没有影响到文章的阅读,但是如果我们要冲到满分,大家要尽量减少此类问题的出现。

综合写作5分和4分都需要共同满足评分标准: a response at this level is generally good in selecting information from the lecture and incoherently and accurately presenting this information in relation to relevant information in the reading 选择听力重要信息,以及展示此信息与阅读之间的关系。
但是4分的文章当中出现了 如下问题:
It may have minor omission, inaccuracy, vagueness, or imprecision of some content from the lecture or in connection to points made in the reading.可能有小的遗漏,不准确,模糊,或不精确的地方。
A response is scored at this level if it has more frequent or noticeable minor language errors 出现了更多明显的语言错误
1. Secondly, paragraph suggests that by doing work as a team might give you an “edge,” the lecture suggests that that might also be a negative thing as well. The people who made themselves leaders in the group may just be wrong in certain decisions, or just simple thing something is so creative, when in reality it is not and it would not work, but the rest of the people would nevertheless still follow them, and end up not doing well at all.
2. Second, groups were slow in progress. The passage says that groups are more responsive than individuals because of the number of people involved and their aggregated resources. However, the speaker talks about how the firm found out that groups were slower than individuals in decision making. Groups needed more time for meetings, which are necessary procedures in decision making. This was another part where experience contradicted theory.
对比之下,我们发现第一段出现一些语言表述的问题,根据官方给的评价,第一段的最后一句出现理解困难,也就是评分标准里面提到的imprecision of some content from the lecture.

