
2025-03-23 01:07:36

select name from sysobjects where xtype='P' --所有存储过程 select name from sysobjects where xtype='V' --所有视图 select name from sysobjects where xtype='U' --所有表 全部禁用:Alter table t1 disable trigger all; 全部生效:Alter table t1 enable trigger all; 单个禁用:Alter table t1 disable trigger 触发器名; 查出指定TR的内容:sp_helptext 't_test' 查出所有名称与内容: select b.name as 名称,a.text as 内容,case xtype when 'p ' then '存储过程 ' else '触发器 ' end as 类型 from syscomments a,sysobjects b where object_id(b.name)=a.id and b.xtype in( 'P ', 'TR ') and b.status =0 order by 类型 查出所有非系统数据库并列出: select * from sysdatabases where dbid4 查出某表中所有字段名与字段类型: select a.name as [column],b.name as type from syscolumns a,systypes b where a.id=object_id('employee') and a.xtype=b.xtype -------------------- 查出触发器是启用还是禁用。 select a.name as 触发器名,b.name as 表名,