worry ['w�0�5ri; 'w�0�5:ri] vi. 1. (狗等)撕碎;啮咬 2. 烦恼,担心;焦虑不安: 例句: She always worries over her husband's health.
她总是为她丈夫的健康担心。 3. 熬过,即使再困难也要度过(与along 或 through 连用) 4. 使不安宁,骚扰(与at连用): 例句: Don't worry at your mother to play with you.
别老缠着你妈妈跟你玩。 5. 反复触动 6. [英国方言]被塞住,被闷死 vt. 1. 1). (狗等)衔在口里摇;撕咬;啮碎: 例句: a dog worrying a bone
撕咬骨头的狗 2). 反复推拉(或触动);使变换位置: 例句: worrying the loose tooth with his tongue
用舌头触动他已经松动的牙齿 2. 使烦恼,使担心,使担忧;使操心;使伤脑筋: 例句: It worried her mother that she did not go back home.
她没有回家使她妈妈很担心。 3. 困扰,使不安:折磨: 例句: The light worries my eyes.
灯光刺得我眼睛不好受。 4. [英国方言]塞住,闷死 n. 1. 撕咬 2. 烦恼,焦虑,担心 3. 令人烦恼的事;担心的事 近义词: care 短语:1. I should worry. [口语]我一点也不在乎;我才不放在心上呢! 2. worry and worse 每况愈下,越来越坏 3. worry oneself 担心,发愁 4. worry the sword 见 sword 5. worry to death 使极度担心(或忧虑)变形: n. worries vi. worried , worrying
worry about sth./sb. 担心/焦虑:为某事感到不安、担心例 I am worrying about failing the exam.sth. worry sb. 使烦恼:使感到焦虑、沮丧或烦恼例 The things he did worried me.sb. worry that+句子 某人因为什么什么而担心例 I worry that I cannot finish my homework.