There are no accidents.
One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it
Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.
true warrior, but do not surrender真正的武士绝不放弃
Quit don’t quit. Noodles don’t noodles.
There is a saying,
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
But today is a gift
That is why it’s called the present (the gift)
Yes ,look at this tree Chivu(师傅)
I can not make it boloosm and suits me ,
nor make it bear food before it’s time .
那可不是幻觉 大师
but there are things we can control
I can control when the fruit will fall
... And I can control
What time to seed
That is not illusion , Master
乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么
你可能想要苹果 或桔子
Yes, but no matter what you do,
That seed will grow to be a peach tree
You may wish for an Apple or an orange
But you will get a peach
But peache can not defeate Tai Long
乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。
Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .
7. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,
I'm sorry things didn’t work out …
It’s just what it’s meant to be
Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.
We are Noodle folk
Broth runs deep through our veins
8.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.
Why didn’t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you
but you stayed
Yes ,I stayed .
I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head
or said I smelled ,it hurts.
But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .
I stayed ,because I thought ..
If anyone could change me ,
could make me not me ,
it was you
the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!
10,Enough talk~ let's fight!少废话,决斗吧
11、There'e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness !!
The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.
To make something special ,you just have to believe it’s special.
Kung Fu Panda script
Tales of a legendary warrior
Who's kungfu skills with the stuff of legend
He traveled the land in search of worthy foes
I see you like to chew Maybe you would like to chew
on my face!
The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full
then he swallowed
then he spoke
enough talk! Lets fight!
He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind
exposure to pure awesomness
How can we repay you?
There is no charge to awesomness
or attractiveness
It mattered not to how many foes he faced they measured not to his bodacity
"there is no need by" Banda Mohab
and beloved
even the most powerful heroes in China
five Angry We respected teacher and a great
must spend time together
but spend time await
it while facing thousands of 10000 demons of the mountain
... There is one thing of interest
.... is
conduct than the work
Bo) conduct)
Why do you have?
(monkey), (Mantis) (stork)
(snake), (Tigress)
Bo) to go) late to work
Unfortunately, Pope
word, unfortunately, are not Noodle Soup
What were you doing there what all this uproar?
dreamed crazy dream
what? How would you dream of?
why ...
... I dream of b
barley? you dream of barley?
Yes, I dream of what other?
my son finally had a dream Noodle
do not know how much I was waiting for this moment
this reference
reference Why?
you ready to be reliable component secret
Soup for the secret
and then will or your sorrow and manage the restaurant
who received from his father who received from his father hired by friend and has done
Papa was just a dream
No, it was important to dream
barley in the veins
But Papa pain ... Is to do something else?
addition to the Noodle
in fact, when I was young and crazy I started to run away
"and learn how to prepare" Toe Foo
Why not done?
because it was just a silly dream
you can not imagine that I am prepared "Toe Fu"?
"Toe Foo"
all of us our place in this world
and my place here and Place
know here
No, go to the table 5, 7 and 12
service with a smile
Hey, students
If you were trying Viejo I think
Tigress), more speed)
monkey) top speed)
stork) high) snake) rush)
(Mantis) - (teacher (Shiva --
teacher (Togo) wants to see you
teacher (Togo) demand? Is there a problem?
why there is a problem so I want to see my old friend
If no problem?
did not say this
you say
We are haunted by a vision
Tai Long) will return)
this impossible is in prison
nothing is impossible Zeng 00:06:43:10 00:06:48:07) wing of the prison) and ask them to redouble guard
redouble weapons redouble everything
Tai Long) would not leave the prison)
lectured milestone
one meets its destiny on the road chosen by the
must do something can not leave, walking in the Valley
and revenge
reason of such water, my friend when disturbed
becomes difficult vision
but if left stabilizes answer becomes clear
Lviv Dragon
but it? Who is qualified to be reliable secret of boundless power
to become combatants Dragon
do not know
Warning - sorry -- Unfortunately 00:07:43:22 00:07:45:06
teacher (Togo) chooses Dragon Warrior today
everyone go Palace good
one of the five will happen Scroll to the Dragon
I waited for a thousand years for this
the greatest day in the history of the Congo Fu Go
Bo) Where To Go?)
"to the" good
but you forgot cart barley
entire valley there will be and you will sell them all barley
sell barley?
but my father I was thinking - yes -- I was thinking 00:08:21:20 00:08:23:25
we can sell beans before they spoil
This is my son
I told you that the dream of a reference
Yes I'm glad I saw
almost out
sorry you shouted I will bring you commemoration
No, I go to you in commemoration
that wonderful day
well as teacher Alice (Togo)? Yes 00:09:50:07 00:09:51:17
and will not live to see
Do your students ready?
(Yes teacher (Togo
Warning, my friend, who chose will not bring peace, according to Valley
but also you
to start the competition
No, wait my way
open the door
Turkish Enter
you, the citizens and led peace
honour to extend to you (Tigress), (snake)
(stork), (monkey) (Mantis)
five Angry
of preparing warriors
thousand tons of fire
to see this
You Get
(and finally tagged (Tigress
believe me, you citizens did not see anything yet Learn 00:12:06:03 00:12:07:21
tagged (Tigress) facing unarmed swords death
felt that our Dragon Warrior
you, the citizens and led peace
teacher (Togo) will choose now Dragon Warrior
not wait
What are you doing?
What seems I do?
stopped go to see the Dragon Warrior
but I do not understand I have dreamed a dream finally barley
has lied not dream of barley Pope
love Kung Fu
Come on, Beni to prepare for action Well 00:13:43:14 00:13:46:03
What is being?
... Where
to indicate why? Well, unfortunately, 00:14:26:24 00:14:31:22 I wanted to see who is the Dragon Warrior
This is an interesting
milestone Are you referring to me?
is - from? --
you - I? --
universe send us Dragon Warrior
Why? - Why? --
stopped waited ... Who told you
teacher (Togo) Wait
this "Banda" can not be the solution to our problem
(I was about to refer to (Tigress and fell in front of this thing
was just a coincidence
no coincidence
plight of any teacher have deserted
"No, if no surrender" Banda morning with solutions
I'm the one who I would be letting down
(brought a letter from the teacher (Chivu
Why? Doubled guard backup safety procedures
prison may not be safe?
questioning the security of prisons?
both certainly Chevy) of the question, I'm just a messenger
(I will give you a message for teachers (Chivu
escape from prison, "Chordam" impossible
impressive is not it?
this very impressive
one way to enter and one way out
A guard and one prisoner
(yes, but this is a prisoner (Tai Long
took me down
(witness (Tai Long
wait here
none Concerned about completely secure place
Dear forces you heard? Togo) to finally give Dragon Scroll of a person)
and you will not be
What are you doing? does not make it angry
and what he will do? has made him totally immobile
Is planted on the tail, small Zareef?
Well, I saw enough will say l (Chevy) that there is nothing to worry him
both no
I will tell him this
I think there is a small error
... Everyone thought I
Hall holy fighters
Look for this place
shield (for what to where) the teacher
I thought that damaged
Saif Champions
said to be very sharp, so wounded seen
Shaft much unseen
I saw the paintings of this painting just
jar legendary ex Ham
said to contain the lives of the army of "ecstasy" whole
Hello - Is Terminated vision? --
unfortunately he should come to see you I.
Sabri running out
if you were not going to somewhere
turn - certainly --
someone break this , but I fittest
parents .. Glue
if you are legendary warrior?
think so - error --
am not a belligerent dragon and will never be even learn the secret of the Dragon Scroll
how successful this? Deek peace? Or Trumblin?
believes that the matter so easily? I recognize the secret of force untold
First you have to master the highest level of Kong Fu
And this of course is impossible for a person like you
person like me?
Yes, you see fleshy
and this silly Potbelly
addition to the complete neglect of personal hygiene
waited for this little Hardwood
does not stop at this proximity I can smell yourself
Togo) said that I)
(maintained finger (Ho Chi
Alamsake know this?
(developed by the teacher (Ho Chi in the third generation ... Yes
You must know what is happening while Eloy finger
You know what the hardest part? door is clean holes
"I hear you very well" Banda
may be (Togo) chose But when you finished
I promise you that you wish did not do
of our Will?
Yes of our very
well, I'm eager to begin
to begin
now? Yes now 00:22:22:09 00:22:24:07
(unless you think that (Togo was wrong and you do not Dragon Warrior
do not know if I can do everything these movements
unless we try not know
yes, but perhaps we can find something suited to getting more
and what is your?
I do not know milestone But let's start from zero, zero
there is no level of zero
perhaps I could begin this
this? We use this to train children and keep the door open when it is hot
But if you insist
five Angry you more photo
(except you, O (Mantis You are the same size
"Come on," Banda us what you can do
will see you? Or to wait even longer to work
I just ate so I still digestible
Kung Fu movements therefore may not be would also be good later
strikes only
Why you?
You do not have anything because I have everything here
Is harassment friends? attending to feel the thunder
blow feet crazy Wondering Come 00:23:39:02 00:23:40:20
saw no way BEAR
(Wright (Mantis
(or method (the monkey
(or (snake
Hla hit
why not try again stronger
How this?
this painful
This will be easier than I thought
sensitive regions
how IMO?
Now there is zero level
not words
do not understand the thinking of Bam (teacher (Togo
poor will cause the death of
is very strong
Dragon Warrior
fell from the sky ball fire
while walking the earth shakes
(one might think that the teacher (Togo will choose who knows Kung Fu
yes or at least can fingers touched the feet
fingers, or even finds his feet Well 00:25:56:14 00:25:57:11
Hello You awake?
too far
You ... What a day
Kung Fu Saab, right?
has been a long day and disappointing somewhat
So ... Yes, we must sleep now
Yes Yes course
But I admire a large you dramatically in the battle of the river
outnumber, each one thousand , but you did not stop
sorry about this
listen, you do not belong to this place I know I know 00:27:01:01 00:27:04:00 You are right 00:27:04:01 00:27:05:14
... During my whole life you dream
No, I mean you do not belong to here in this room
these rooms (Property (Whale Yes true 00:27:16:07 00:27:19:08
want to sleep I stay awake
and you have something important tomorrow
You are wonderful last thing I am going to say
what was this?
did not say anything
Well, Good night from well
seems strange situation
mandate tagged (Tigress) did not mean that awakens
You do not belong to here
Yes of course this room
I mean do not belong to the Palace of good
Shame on you Alkong Fu, and if you have any respect for us and what we do
You have to go by morning
large fan
I see you found the sacred tree of peaches of divine wisdom
Is this what? unfortunately I thought it extraordinary tree Lepage
understand, you're erosion when uncomfortable
am not uncomfortable Why think I'm disturbed?
Why are you disturbed?
may have been on the worst day in the history of the Congo Fu
in the history of China
in the history of bad
and five .. We must see them idea that they
(how Hula Teacher (Shiva of Dragon Warrior?
I do not like the five I do not have talons
no wings not cm
(even (Mantis have these things
may be surrendered and come back for cooking barley
surrender .. No surrender
Noodle not Noodle
you worried by what was often and what will
There is a saying Yesterday is history
tomorrow is a mystery
but today is a gift
- this is called the present - the gift
not - What happens? --
(must be careful (Chivu
will not go any place Let me 00:30:42:00 00:30:43:15
that come here to
will not depart
throwers shares
We Dead very Dead Not yet 00:32:16:22 00:32:19:12
can not escape now? Yes 00:33:06:19 00:33:08:12
I am delighted that the (Chevy) e-mail
I think they started Sasson
wing of there and tell them that the Dragon Warrior real return
Good Morning milestone
Banda you wake up
has surrendered
what we are doing now any teacher and went Banda
who will be the Dragon Warrior?
what we can do is continue training
There are no accidents.
One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it
Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it becomes difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear.
true warrior, but do not surrender真正的武士绝不放弃
Quit don’t quit. Noodles don’t noodles.
There is a saying,
Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
But today is a gift
That is why it’s called the present (the gift)
Yes ,look at this tree Chivu(师傅)
I can not make it boloosm and suits me ,
nor make it bear food before it’s time .
那可不是幻觉 大师
but there are things we can control
I can control when the fruit will fall
... And I can control
What time to seed
That is not illusion , Master
乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么
你可能想要苹果 或桔子
Yes, but no matter what you do,
That seed will grow to be a peach tree
You may wish for an Apple or an orange
But you will get a peach
But peache can not defeate Tai Long
乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。
Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .
7. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,
I'm sorry things didn’t work out …
It’s just what it’s meant to be
Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.
We are Noodle folk
Broth runs deep through our veins
8.你不能走,真的武士决不会退却you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.
Why didn’t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you
but you stayed
Yes ,I stayed .
I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head
or said I smelled ,it hurts.
But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me .
I stayed ,because I thought ..
If anyone could change me ,
could make me not me ,
it was you
the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!
10,Enough talk~ let's fight!少废话,决斗吧
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