
2025-01-07 09:09:22

国氏全营养素科学减肥新概念“国氏全营养素”把调节脂肪代谢,补充全面营养的独到理论应用于控制体重,以便达到拥有苗条身材,保持充沛精力的目的。相信曾为肥胖困扰的你,因为服用了全新口味的“国氏全营养素”,不久也能体态轻盈,充满活力。“国氏全营养素”是著名营养学家国敏元教授从中国传统调养理论出发,针对多数肥胖者的基本成因,以调节体内营养平衡,改变脂肪代谢能力为目的,精选配制的富含蛋白质、维生素、多种氨基酸及微量元素的全天然、全营养食品,充分调动体内多种酶的活性,迅速分解体内多余脂肪,使体态恢复健康苗条。国氏理论以其科学性、实效性在减肥领域开创了一条新路。“国氏全营养素”被中国女子体操队指定为控制体重营养品。减肥的同时,轻松愉快,精力充沛,体重正常之后,不会轻易反弹。所以,更多的体操运动员,都钟情于“国氏全营养素”。 GUOZ ALL-NUTRIENT SLIMMING EXTRACTA Brand New, Scientific Concept of Weight Control.Is it your dream to get a slim figure and keep fit? With Guzo All-nutrient Slimming Extract, your dream can come true.Guoz effectively regulates fatty metabolic system, promotes polyenzyme activity and decomposes surplus fat. A 100 per cent natural extract, Guoz provides you with well-balanced proteins, vitamins, amino acids and trace elements.Want to lose weight without losing energy? Take Guoz.No sufferings. No weight regain.That’s why it’s been selected as the authorized weight-control food for the women’s Gymnastic Team of China.Why hesitate? Take it now!