import random
# 1
def ask_user(prompt, response1, response2):
Ask user for a response in two responses.
prompt (str) - The prompt to print to the user
response1 (str) - One possible response that the user can give
response2 (str) - Another possible response that the user can give
while True:
# ask user for response
user_response = input(prompt)
#if response is response1 or response2 then return
if user_response == response1 or user_response == response2:
return user_response
# 2
def print_card(name, num):
print "______ draws a _____" with the first blank replaced by the user's
name and the second blank replaced by the value given to the function.
name (str) - the user name to print out
num (int) - the number to print out
# if the value is a 1, 11, 12, 13, print Ace, Jack, Queen, King
if num == 1:
num = "Ace"
elif num == 11:
num = "Jack"
elif num == 12:
num = "Queen"
elif num == 13:
num = "King"
num = str(num)
# print the string
print(name, "draws a", num)
# 3
def get_ace_value():
Ask the user if they want to use a 1 or 11 as their Ace value.
# get the value use "ask_user" function
value = ask_user("Should the Ace be 1 or 11?", "1", "11")
# retrun the value
return int(value)
# 4
def deal_card(name):
Pick a random number between 1 and 13, and print out what the user drew.
name (str) - the user name to print out
# get a random number in range 1 to 13
num = random.randrange(1, 13+1)
# use "print_card" function to print out what the user drew
print_card(name, num)
if num > 10:
# if the card is a Jack, Queen, or King, the point-value is 10
return 10
elif num == 1:
# If the card is an Ace, ask the user if the value should be 1 or 11
return get_ace_value()
return num
# 5
def adjust_for_bust(num):
If the given number is greater than 21, print "Bust!" and return -1.
Otherwise return the number that was passed in.
num (int) - the given number
# determine the value of num
if num > 21:
return -1
return num
# 6
def hit_or_stay(num):
Prompt the user hit or stay and return user's chose.
num (int) - the value of a player's card hand
if num <= 21:
chose = ask_user("Hit or stay?", "hit", "stay")
# if num less than 21 and user chose hit return True
if chose == "hit":
return True
# otherwise return False
return False
# 7
def play_turn(name):
Play whole the trun for a user.
name (str) - the player's name
# print out that it's the current players turn
print("==========[ Current player:", name, "]==========")
# set total score zero
total_score = 0
# deal the player a card for loop
while True:
# get total score
total_score += deal_card(name)
# if not busted print out the player's total score
print("Total:", total_score)
# if player chose stay return the result, otherwise continue the loop
if not hit_or_stay(total_score):
return adjust_for_bust(total_score)
# 8
def determine_winner(name1, name2, score1, score2):
Determine_the game's winner.
name1 (str) - the first player's name
name2 (str) - the second player's name
score1 (str) - the first player's score
score2 (str) - the second player's score
if score1 == score2:
print(name1, "and", name2, "tie!")
elif score1 > score2:
print(name1, "wins!")
elif score1 < score2:
print(name2, "wins!")
# 9
def main():
The main program of BlackJack game
while True:
# Ask each player for their name
name1 = input("Player 1 name:")
name2 = input("Player 2 name:")
# Greet them
print("Welcome to BlackJack", name1, "and", name2)
# Let the first player play a turn
score1 = play_turn(name1)
# Let the second player play a turn
score2 = play_turn(name2)
# Determine who won
determine_winner(name1, name2, score1, score2)
# Play again if they say yes and end the loop if they say no
if ask_user("Would you like to play again?", "yes", "no") == "no":
if __name__ == "__main__":
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