
2023-12-09 06:56:40

Hey everyone in China, this is Kobe! I am really excited to have my own Chinese blog with SINA. I feel this blog really gives me the chance to connect directly with all of you -- my Chinese fans. It's kinda like staying close to you while I can not be in China right now in person because of the NBA Season. Through my blog, I look forward to getting to know all of you better, and for you to learn more about me.
At times my blog will be serious and other times funny. It will cover a variety of topics from life, to basketball, to pop culture. All in all its going to be real cool. Thanks for taking the time to read my stuff, and I hope to keep connecting with all of you on a regular basis!
It's my first blog.I check out blogs that are all over the "map". From blogs about movies, to music, to fashion -- I try to stay pretty connected to what is going on in the World. I like to read blogs or web-articles on other successful and competitive people. It helps me to learn what works and doesn't, and better form my approach to life. I really don't have one particular favorite, but I do spend a fair amount of time surfing the Web.
I have visited china in summer in last three years,shall I go to china this summer? Right now, I don't have my summer travel schedule totally set. I am really focusing on trying to win an NBA Championship with the Lakers in June. After that, I will sit down with my endorsement partners like NIKE, SINA, etc and determine what my summer schedule will be for July, August and September. I would be really excited if I get to go to China again this summer! It really is one of my favorite places in the world!


由于科比的手掌比较小 甚至抓不起篮球 于是科比将家里每一个位置摆满篮球 每天每刻都能抓到球 练习抓球的手感 正是这样坚持不懈的训练 才有了今天的成就!
乔丹蒲扇般的大手天生就是打篮球的料 但科比用自己后天的努力弥补先天的不足!
要知道乔丹训练最刻苦的那一个赛季 其程度只能达到科比训练的平均值
科比是最值得尊敬的!! 不好意思 英文的找不到 英文学的不好 呵呵