
2024-08-31 12:41:47

不习惯美式发音,平时少听native speakers讲话,少听录音带,词汇量和知识面跟不上,口语不好等原因。
口语不好也会影响听力?! 当然会!托福的听游扰物力很大一部分是对话,都是一些日常用语,如果口语不好当然听不懂。 所以,托福听力材料也是最好的口语学习材料。要想提高听力,光死听死没有用的,还要注意分析听力原文。学习口语表达方法,多阅读,多方面结合才能有正在的提高。"潇潇语言实验室"现推出"托福口语听力篇",希望对大家有点帮助。每集都是根据历届的托福真题编写。有编号的句子都是托福听力原文,一些补神液充例句也是托福原文。


1. I picked up the receiver, dropped the coins in the slot, and dialed the number I wanted. 这个句子是关于打投币公共电话的。

Slot -缝隙。这里是指投币口。 Receiver就是电话的听筒。

2. Virginia's going to take all her required courses this year.
Required courses -必修课 required 是require的过去分词。在这里作为形容词来用,意思是"被要求的",也就是学校要求学生必修的课。

e.g. I have 9 required courses and 3 electives this semester.

I hope I can take a few electives next term.

3. Not only is Cheryl a good swimmer, but she's also a promising musician and a great photographer.

Not only did I forget my train ticket, but I also forgot my passport.

Not only was Ellen there, but Wanda and Dale came too.

Not only…but also.不仅。。。李隐。而且。。。
Not only +倒装语序, but also + 陈述语序

4. My pen's out of ink. - 我的笔没有墨水了。
Be out of something = 用完了一样东西

The bookstore is out of lined notebook paper.
Lined 是指纸张有线条的。
类似的结构run out of something.

I just ran out of supplies.(托福原句)
举一反三:We are running out of money/water/time. 我们的钱/水/时间就快用完了。

5. The students completely filled the classroom.

6. Peter blames himself for what happened.

Blame oneself for something - 因为某事责怪自己。

Who's to blame?-这要怪谁?
He's to blame. 这要怪他。

You're to blame. =It's all your fault. 这都是你的错。

Don't blame yourself. You are not to blame. (It's not your fault.) 不要责怪你自己。这不是你的错。

7. The controller made a mistake and overcharged Amy for her tuition.

Charge是"收费"的意思, overcharge是"收多了钱"。
I got short-changed. 是指别人找钱找少给我了。

8. Have the driver let you off at the intersection. -叫司机在交叉口处让你下车。

Let you off意思是"让你下车", 中国学生很容易按照中文来翻译,"let you get off the bus"语法上是没有错误的,但是现实中常常不这么罗嗦。学习英文应该多注意英文的表达方法,而不是想如何把中文翻译成英文。
这个例句还有一个托福经常考的结构:Have somebody do something:让某人做某事。

类似的常考结构:get somebody to do something. 不过这个结构的侧重点是自己不干,叫别人去干。

9. I've almost finished typing my homework paper.
Finish doing something=做完一件事情。 在口语中也说 be done with sth./doing something.
I am done with typing my homework paper.

有时我的外国同事问我有没有干完手头的活也说,"Are you done?"

10. Has my unabridged dictionary arrived yet?

Abridge- 删节, 削减, 精简 unabridged 是指未经过删节的,原版的。
Abridged novels就是简写版小说

11. A: How did you ever move that desk upstairs to your room?
B: It was very heavy, but I got my roommates to help me with it
A: 你究竟时怎么把那个桌子搬进你的房子的?
B: 那个桌子很重,但是我叫我的舍友帮我搬。

How did you ever do something?
通常用来问别人时究竟怎么把一件比较难办的事情办成的。 "ever"在这里不是"曾经"的意思,只是用来加强语气。

Get my roommate to help me with it. 这里有两个结构:
Get somebody to do something: 叫某人做某事 (托福常考结构)
Help somebody with something:帮助某人做某事


另外一个『托福原句』You certainly had a lot of boxes. How did you ever find room for everything? -你的盒子真多。你究竟时怎么找地方放这些东西的。

12. He goes skiing every chance he gets.他一有机会就去滑雪。
举一反三:I practice my spoken English every chance I get. 我一有机会就练习我的英语口语。

13. He's always been enthusiastic about sports. -他一直对运动很热衷。

Be enthusiastic about sth: 对某事很热衷,热爱
比较口语化的表达方式还有: be crazy/nuts about something/somebody He's crazy/nuts about basketball.他热爱篮球。

14. Shouldn't she concentrate on doing her school work instead? Concentrate on doing something. 集中精力做某事。

15. At least it is a diversion from my normal course work. I'm getting tired of math. "至少这可以让我暂时撇下我的正常的课程工作。我已经对数学感到厌倦了。"

Diversion这里时指分散精力的东西。 Get tired of something 又为"get sick and tired of something"是指对某事感到开始感到厌倦。

16. It would be better to talk about it face to face.
It would be better to do something 这个句型是虚拟语气 (would),常用来提建议。"这样做会更好"
Face to face : 面对面

In person:亲自 It would be better to tell him in person. 亲自告诉他比较好。

17. Would you mind if I sat here? -Of course not.

Would you mind if I did something? If从句中用过去时表示客气。
也可以不用过去时。回答Would you mind?一定要小心,如果你介意就答"yes", 不介意就答"No" "Of course not."

18. So you're going to give us a ride to the game tonight? 你今天晚上会车我们去看比赛?
Give sb a ride-用车载某人一程。

19. You haven't written your folks for a quite a while, have you?

20. Marilyn seemed happy with her grades. - Happy? She could hardly contain herself.

I made good grades in high school. -我读高中时成绩很好。

Contain oneself -控制自己的情绪,感情

e.g. I was so angry that I couldn't contain myself. 我气得不能控制自己的情绪

21. Maybe I ought to subscribe to the Engineering Quarterly.
Subscribe to 订阅 I've subscribed to China Daily. 我订了中国日报。

Quarterly -季报 Daily -日报
Weekly -周报 Bi-Weekly-双周报 Monthly -月报

22. Allen has done some beautiful drawings of his dream house.
Dream house梦想中的房子。Dream job- 心目中理想的工作
Dream car-做梦都想要的车
Dream girl (the girl of my dreams) - 梦中情人,心中理想的女孩


Dissertation: a long piece of writing about a subject, especially one that you write as part of a university degree- (博士学位)论文;(专题)论文

还有一个意思差不多的词thesis, 托福也考过这个词。

Thesis: a long piece of writing about a particular subject that you do as part of an advanced university degree such as an MA or a PhD: 论文;毕业(或学位)论文
e.g. Writing a thesis on dance clubs is not as strange as it seems.

2. Linda developed the film herself.-Linda自己冲洗胶卷。

Develop: to make a photograph out of a photographic film, using chemicals-冲洗胶卷

I will have the film developed tomorrow. -我明天会把胶卷拿去冲洗。
I want to have this photo enlarged. - 我想把相片放大。

相片的底片叫做negative (noun)

3. Bill disliked doing the laundry. -Bill讨厌洗衣服。
很多中国学生会说,"Bill disliked washing his clothes."这样说也可以,但是口语中 "洗衣服"常说"do the laundry"
Laundry: [uncountable] clothes, sheets etc that need to be washed or have just been washed

洗衣店有两种Laundromat和dry cleaner's Laundromat是可以用水帮你洗衣服的店。我的外国朋友问我广州有没有Laundromat. 因为她没有洗衣机,冬天水很冷,不想自己用手洗衣服。
Dry cleaner's:干洗店。

Like doing something-喜欢做某事
I like dancing in discos.

Dislike doing something -不喜欢做某事
Tom dislikes going to the dentist.

Hate doing something -厌恶做某事
Paul hates having his photo taken.

Loathe/resent doing something-憎恨做某事
I absolutely loathe traveling.

4. I had the department secretary type my term paper.-我叫系里的秘书帮我打我的学期论文。
Have sb do something. -让别人做某事, 托福常考结构。

Term paper-学期论文。在美国的大学,有些科目不进行期末考,期末交一篇学期论文就当是该科的考试。

5. Most colleges are no longer overcrowded, neither are the secondary schools. -多数大学都不再过度拥挤,中学也不是这样了。


e.g. (1) He doesn't like rock music, neither do I. - 他不喜欢摇滚音乐,我也不喜欢。
e.g. (2) Mary is not American, neither am I. -Mary不是美国人,我也不是。

6. Her face lit up when she saw him.-她见到他时马上面露喜色。
Lit up的原形是light up. 从字面理解是"亮起来""突然有光"

If someone's face or eyes light up, they show pleasure, excitement. 是指面露喜色或是显得兴奋。
常用搭配:Light up with joy/pride/glee.

7. After the cake had cooled, I put frosting on it.
Frosting(在糕饼上的)糖霜混合物, 英国人称为 "icing"

8. The program will be on in a quarter of an hour. -这个节目将会在15分钟后播放。 On指电视或是电台节目开播。


9. Judge Gray was never known for his leniency toward criminals. Gray法官向来都不是以对犯人仁慈闻名的。(言下之意,他对犯人不留情。)
Be known for/be famous for/be noted for-以。。。。。闻名

10. Mark has decided to run against Jack for treasurer. -Mark和Jack竞争财务部长的职位。

Run for a position:参加竞选一个职位。 Run against somebody for a position-和某人竞争一个职位。
e.g. Bob Dole's running for President. -Bob Dole正在竞选总统职位。

11. W: I need to make a hotel reservation for the conference. -我要给这次会议顶酒店。
Make a reservation预定,可以是在餐厅预定位置,在酒店预定房间,或是预定机票。托福常考的情形就是这几种。
M: How about having the travel agent do it? -叫旅行社帮忙预定怎么样。

How about doing something:这个句型常用来提建议。

A: I can't decide where to eat out. -我决定不了去哪吃饭。
B: How about going to the McDonald's? -去麦当劳怎么样?

Eat out-是指出去餐馆吃饭。
"我么今天晚上出去吃饭吧"这句话很多中国学生容易说成,"Let's go out to eat tonight."事实上,口语中的表达是,"Let's eat out tonight."

12. W: How about some more apple pie, Bob? -Bob,在再吃点苹果派吧。
M: You wouldn't have to force me to take another helping. -你不用逼我,我也会再吃多一份的。(言下之意是这苹果派很好吃,你不用逼我,我也会自己多吃些。)
Force sb to do sth. -逼某人做某事。

13. M: I'll have to repair this old knapsack (背包) again.
W: Will it do any good? -这有用么? (这样做有好处么?)言下之意是她不赞成补那个背包,还不如买个新的算了。

e.g. (1) Smoking does you no good.-吸烟对你没有好处。
e.g. (2) Drinking hot milk before bed will do you good. -睡觉钱喝热牛奶对你有好处。

14. M: Would you tell Paul I'm sorry I lost his radio?-你能不能告诉Paul我很抱歉我弄丢了他的收音机。
W: Hadn't you better tell him yourself? -你自己告诉他不是更好么?

英文中常用 You'd better do something来提建议,这里是用了这个句型的反问句型Hadn't you better do something?

15. W: Can you take me to the Palace Restaurant quickly? I'm ten minutes late already.
M: I don't know. I'll try. But with traffic this heavy, it will take at least twenty more.
With traffic this heavy -交通这么拥挤, this 在这里的是"这么,这样地"的意思。表程度。

That有类似的用法:That-那样,那么 (表程度)
e.g. (1) Is the problem that easy?

e.g. (2) Things are not that bad. -事情并没有那么糟糕。

16. W: Weren't you nervous when the professor called on you? -教授叫你回答问题时你是不是很紧张。
M: I'll say. I shook all over. -是的,我全身都发抖。

我们在中学课本学过call on sb.是拜访某人的意思。
call on sb:to visit someone for a short time
e.g. I'd like to call on Annal while I'm in London.

但是在美式英文中,call on sb.有另外的意思:(American) to ask a person in a group of people to answer a question or to give their opinion about something -提问某人,或是叫某人发表意见。

She was afraid the teacher would call on her and she wouldn't know the answer.-她怕老师提问她时她不知道答案.

"I'll say"是表示同意对方说的话。

类似的表达方法还有:You bet/You said it/You can say that again./You hit the nail on the head. 这些句子都是表示赞成对方说的话,托福听力都考过。

17. W: Why do you always put on slippers(拖鞋) when you go into your apartment? -你进你的公寓时为什么总是穿上拖鞋。

18. M: It saves wear and tear on the carpet. -这样会减少对地毯的磨损。
wear and tear: [often + on]the damage that happens to an object or a person when they are used or when they do something -使用一样东西对这样东西产生的磨损。这个短语也可以用于人。指事情对人的损耗。

e.g. (1)She made everyone wear slippers inside the house to avoid wear and tear on the carpet. -

e.g. (2) The wear and tear of life in a busy office has taken its toll on our staff.

take a/its/their toll: to have a bad effect on someone or something -对某事产生不好的影响,尤其指身心的损耗。

Bringing up nine children had taken its toll on my mother. [often + on]
The disease has taken a horrendous toll in parts of western Africa.

19. W: Which do you prefer? The striped (条纹的), the polka dot(圆点花样的) or the plaid(有格子图案的)?
M: Actually I like the solid orange best. -事实上,我最喜欢纯橙色。
solid是只有一种颜色,没有其他花纹或是图案。Solid blue-纯蓝色

20. In other words, lightening quickly heats the air and causes thunder.
In other words:换句话说

21. The radio station is going to be on around the clock. -这个电台将24小时开播。
Around the clock-24小时。托福常考短语




