Take a look atit. 在句中, look以子音字母K结尾,而紧接着的at又是以母音a 开头,所以应将look at连读.
类似的还有cheer up! the end of the world,count on me ,take off ,put on ,Not at all.
'at的t不发音只发a的音 因该会好一点 试试
比如你说的这句,如果以标准速度的英语朗读,听到的大抵是:lets et the day. ;
如果以类似VOA Special English那样的慢速英语来读,听到的会是:lets---et the day(s音略拉长,以表现两个s音之间的停顿);
如果出于某种原因,说完let's 之后有个停顿(比如喘了口气、咳嗽了一下等),那么无论如何接着说句子的时候要把 set 发得完整清楚了。
例如 -----s t----可以连度为 ----st----
当前面最后一个音是子音,而后面第一个音是母音的时候可以连读,前提是连读的两个词必须在同一个意群中,如Take it, in it。
1)子音+母音的连读(Consonant + Vowel)
4)T, D, S 或 Z + Y的连读
1. 子音+母音的连读
My name is… [my nay•miz]
because I’ve. [b'k'zäiv]
pick up on the American intonation… [pi•kə pan the(y) əmer'kə ninətənashən]
LA [eh•Lay]
902 5050 [nai•no•too fai•vo•fai•vo]
hold on [hol don]
turn over [tur nover]
tell her I miss her [teller I misser]
2. 子音+子音的连读
3. 母音+母音的连读
Go away. [Go(w)away]
在电影Big Fish中,巨人Carl说过这句话。因为巨人说话又慢又重,所以那个w很明显。
I also need the other one. [I(y)also need thee(y)other one]
go anywhere [go(w)anywhere]
so honest [so(w)honest]
through our [through(w)our]
you are [you(w)are]
he is [he(y)is]
do I? [do(w)I?]
I asked [I(y)asked]
to open [to(w)open]
she always [she(y)always]
too often [too(w)often]
4. T, D, S 或 Z + Y的连读
4.1. T + Y = CH
What’s your name? [wəcher name]
Can’t you do it? [kænt chew do(w)it]
Actually [æk·chully]
Don’t you like it? [dont chew lye kit]
Wouldn’t you? [wooden chew]
Haven’t you? [hæven chew]
No, not yet. [nou, nä chet]
I’ll let you know. [I'll letcha know]
Can I get you a drink? [k'näi getchewə drink]
We thought you weren’t ing. [we thä chew wrnt kəming]
I’ll bet you ten bucks he fot. [æl betcha ten buxee frgät]
Is that your final answer? [is thæchr fin'læn sr]
natural [næchrəl]
perpetual [perpechə(w)əl]
virtual [vrchə(w)əl]
4.2. D + Y = J
Did you see it? [didjə see(y)it]
How did you like it? [hæo•jə lye kit]
Could you tell? [küjə tell]
Where did you send your check? [wεrjə senjer check]
What did your family think? [wəjer fæmlee think]
Did you find your keys? [didjə fine jer keez]
We followed your instructions. [we fallow jerin strəctionz]
Congratulations! [k'ngræj'lationz]
education [edjə·cation]
individual [indəvijə(w)əl]
graduation [græjə(w)ation]
gradual [græjə(w)əl]
4.3. S + Y = SH
Yes, you are. [yeshu are]
Insurance [inshurance]
Bless you! [blesshue]
Press your hands together. [pressure hanz d'gethr]
Can you dress yourself? [c 'new dreshier self]
You can pass your exams this year. [yuk'n pæsher egzæmz thisheer]
I’ll try to guess your age. [æl trydə geshierage]
Let him gas your car for you. [leddim gæshier cär fr you]
4.4. Z + Y = ZH
How’s your family? [hæozhier fæmlee]
How was your trip? [hæo·wəzhier trip]
Who’s your friend? [hoozhier frend]
Where’s your mom? [wεrzh'r mäm]
When’s your birthday? [wεnzh'r brthday]
She says you’re OK. [she sεzhierou kay]
Who does your hair? [hoo dəzhier hεr]
casual [kæ·zhyə(w)əl]
visual [vi·zhyə(w)əl]
usual [yu•zhyə(w)əl]
version [vrzh'n]
vision [vizh'n]
附录: 音节省略和连读放在一起
I have got to go. I’ve gotta go.
I have got a book. I’ve gotta book.
Do you want to dance? Wanna dance?
Do you want a banana? Wanna banana?
Let me in. Lemme in.
Let me go. Lemme go.
I’ll let you know. I’ll letcha know.
Did you do it? Dija do it?
Not yet. Nä chet.
I’ll meet you later. I’ll meechu layder.
What do you think? Whaddyu think?
What did you do with it? Whajoo do with it?
How did you like it? Howja like it?
When did you get it? When ju geddit?
Why did you take it? Whyju tay kit?
Why don’t you try it? Why don chu try it?
What are you waiting for? Whaddya waitin’ for?
What are you doing? Whatcha doin’?
How is it going? Howzit going?
Where’s the what-you-may-call-it? Where’s the whatchamacallit?
Where’s what-is-his-name? Where’s whatsizname?
How about it? How ’bout it?
He has got to hurry because he is late. He’s gotta hurry ‘cuz he’s late.
I could’ve been a contender. I coulda bina contender.
Could you speed it up, please? Couldjoo spee di dup, pleez?
Would you mind if I tried it? Would joo mindifai try dit?
Aren’t you Bob Barker? Arnchoo Bab Barker?
Can’t you see it my way for a change? Kænchoo see it my way for achange?
Don’t you get it? Doancha geddit?
I should have told you. I shoulda toljoo.
Tell her (that) I miss her. Teller I misser.
Tell him (that) I miss him. Tellim I missim.
Did you eat? Jeet?
No, did you? No, joo?
Why don’t you get a job? Whyncha getta job?
I don’t know, it’s too hard. I dunno, stoo härd.
Could we go? Kwee gou?
Let’s go! Sko!
以/p/、/b/、/k/、/g/、/t/、/d/、/m/、/n/、 /l/、 /s/起首时,前一个子音失去爆破,
Take a look at it
I'll be back in half an hour.
Will it take a lot of time to go to town on foot?
Don't worry about it.
I'm sorry a bout the aident.
I have waited for you three hours.
We all agree with the plan.
You can see it.
Please copy it.
Say it again.
Idea of it.
The vase is made of china and glass.
The room has an area of 12 square meters.
Don't do it.
Go easy.
It's too easy.
The bird flew in the sky.
以/p/、/b/、/k/、/g/、/t/、/d/、/m/、/n/、 /l/、 /s/起首时,前一个子音失去爆破,
Good night.
I hope to find a good job.
Hearing the bad news I couldn't help crying.
有连读的,当英语中的前一个单词的结尾是子音音素,而下一个单词的开头是母音音素,且在一个意群中,一般就可以连读。如:an English book,
前面的单词是以子音结构,后面的单词是以母音开始。一般后面的单词是介词、副词、冠词时,经常要连读,比如 put up, stand up
冠词an后面跟以母音开头的单词时,如an interesting story