Satchel 多指横向的长方形的包包,软悔握材质的居多。很多品牌都有叫East / West 的包包。East 碧信庆/ West,指东西向,也就是横向的包包,其坦卖中不少就可以归于Satchel 一类。
Bag n.袋,毁和囊,枕套;钱包,纤宽盯手提皮包
satchel 是带有长肩带的书包
bag (纸质或塑料)袋;拎袋;旅行袋
satchel:a leather bag that you carry over your shoulder, used especially in the past by children for carrying books to school
bag:(1)a container made of paper or plastic, that opens at the top, used especially in shops/stores
(2)strong container made from cloth, plastic, leather, etc., usually with one or two handles, used to carry things in when shopping or travelling