托福写作一直是22 请问如何提高?感谢

2024-07-01 06:14:41

同学你好,托福写作22分说明你语言的正确率已经达到了基本要求,考官已经可以看懂你的作文大意,但可能存在两个主要侍斗问掘谈模题:1.分论点分析不准确 2.中间段展开





The readingpassage deals with the issue of+ n./what/why/…阅读总观点.. The professor talks aboutthe same issue. However, he/she thinks that 听力总观点, which challenges what the reading states. And in the lecture,he/she presents three specific points to support his idea.

First of all,while the reading mentions that 阅读的理由1【可以加细节,the professor rebuts this by saying that听力的理由1. This isbecause 听力理由1的细节 ,which means 细节. 【如果有其它细节可以用其它连接词继续说

Moreover, contraryto the statement in the reading that 阅读的理由2 【可以加细节 . The professor insists that听力的理由2 .Then he/she confirms this point with the fact that 细节.In other words,细节 .

Finally, theprofessor asserts that 听力的理由3 whereas the author of the reading claims that阅读的理由3 【可以加细节 . The professor proves that this claimis very weak by stating that细节 .




这里面把综合作文的很多疑问都说得很详细很清楚,大家一定要花时间好好看看。其次,说说我自己的综合作文心得。 关于模板的问题,很多大神都建议要总结自己的模板。这里,我推荐《十天搞定托福作文》里面的模板,如下: The readingpassage deals with the issue of+ n./what/why/…阅读总观点.. The professor talks aboutthe same issue. However, he/she thinks that 听力总观点, which challenges what the reading states. And in the lecture,he/she presents three specific points to support his idea. First of all,while the reading mentions that 阅读的理由1【可以加细节,the professor rebuts this by saying that听力的理由1. This isbecause 听力理由1的细节 ,which means 细节. 【如果有其它细节可以用其它连接词继续说 Moreover, contraryto the statement in the reading that 阅读的理由2 【可以加细节 . The professor insists that听力的理由2 .Then he/she confirms this point with the fact that 细节.In other words,细节 . Finally, theprofessor asserts that 听力的理由3 whereas the author of the reading claims that阅读的理由3 【可以加细节 . The professor proves that this claimis very weak by stating that细节 . 但是,最重要的是:千万不要照搬或很生硬地运用,要和友灵活!!!就是说,要根据reading和listening的情况具体分析,有时候如果模板用着太生硬,就换掉。不然,文章会显得很僵硬,看起来很不爽的。因此,除了自己的模板,要多看TPO里面的范文。总结一些高分作文在你模板出的句式用词,必要的时候用到自己的文章中,会添彩许多。 其次,关于reading和listening的比例问题。LZ认为listening必须是重点!所以,在听听力的时候一定要多记,不停地枯棚闹记。不光记观点,更要记例子,数字等各种细节。这些细节是高分的关键!因为你写的文章是总结听力中的段落怎么去反驳阅读的,如果你有了例子、数字等细节的支撑,那么你的反驳会更有说服没罩力,更可信。而且有了细节,字数也上去了,分数自然会高很多。所以,听力能力和记笔记能力在这里的要求是很高的。 在尚友托福论坛看到的经验贴,希望对你有用哈~