Take the attribute 'long neck 'and you will find that this applies to bird as far apart from ostriches as are flamingoes and storks
是2句拉,Take the attribute 'long neck 和后面是并列
you will find 中 you当然主语,find是谓语,that后是从句,正个做兵语
(maybe this article is analyzing why ostriches have long neck in the previous sentence.) that analysis also explains why birds that are so much different from ostriches, such as flamingoes and storks, also have long necks. But this theory doesn't fit for robin, which doesn't have long neck.
拿长颈这一特征来说,你会发现这个理论(THIS)也适用于(从生物学上)与ostriches差别远到象flamingoes 和 storks 一类的鸟类。(robin是个例外)
robin 知更鸟
ostriches 驮鸟(复数)
stork 鹳
flamingo 火烈鸟