Would like to have been guard at your side, do your umbrella, do your bodyguard and sandbags, you sad, I make you laugh: you happy, I will accompany you giggle. If you can always at your side,
Want to always beside you, do your umbrella, and do your bodyguard and sandbags, when you are sad, I‘ll make you laugh:when you happy, I'll stay with you giggle. If can always be around you,
因为文字太多,没办法在这里写完,告诉你一个很好的办法。你在百度那里打上“翻译”然后会出现在线翻译,把你需要的翻译的文字复制过去就OK了 现在说的不怎么明白 但是你去百度一下就全部明白了的。