+001 是美国,然后下面是各个州的
印度 91
印度尼西亚 62
伊朗 98
伊拉克 964
以色列 972
意大利 39
科特迪瓦 225
牙买加 1 876
日本 81
约旦 962
柬埔寨 855
哈萨克斯坦 7 327
肯尼亚 254
吉尔吉斯斯坦 7 331
基里巴斯 686
朝鲜 850
科威特 965
老挝 856
拉脱维亚 371
黎巴嫩 961
莱索托 266
利比里亚 231
利比亚 218
列支敦士登 41 75
立陶宛 370
卢森堡 352
马达加斯加 261
马拉维 265
马来西亚 60
马尔代夫 960
马里 223
马耳他 356
马里亚纳群岛 670
马绍尔群岛 692
马提尼克(法) 596
毛里求斯 230
马约特岛 269
毛里塔尼亚 222
密克罗尼西亚 691
墨西哥 52
中途岛(美) 1 808
摩尔多瓦 373
摩纳哥 377
摩洛哥 212
莫桑比克 258
缅甸 95
马其顿共和国 389
+001 是美国,然后下面是各个州的
401 RI -5 Rhode Island
402 NE -6 E Nebraska: Omaha, Lincoln
403 AB -7 Canada: Southern Alberta (see 780, 867)
404 GA -5 N Georgia: Atlanta and suburbs (see overlay 678, split 770)
405 OK -6 W Oklahoma: Oklahoma City (see 580)
406 MT -7 Montana
407 FL -5 Central Florida: Metro Orlando (see overlay 689, eff 7/02; split 321)
408 CA -8 Cent. Coastal California: San Jose (see overlay 669)
409 TX -6 SE Texas: Galveston, Port Arthur, Beaumont (splits 936, 979)
410 MD -5 E Maryland: Baltimore, Annapolis, Chesapeake Bay area, Ocean City (see 443)
411 -- -- Reserved for special applications
412 PA -5 W Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh (see split 724, overlay 878)
413 MA -5 W Massachusetts: Springfield
414 WI -6 SE Wisconsin: Milwaukee County (see splits 920, 262)
415 CA -8 California: San Francisco County and Marin County on the north side of the Golden Gate Bridge, extending north to Sonoma County (see 650)
416 ON -5 Canada: S Cent. Ontario: Toronto (see overlay 647, eff 3/5/01)
417 MO -6 SW Missouri: Springfield
418 QC -5/-4 Canada: NE Quebec: Quebec
419 OH -5 NW Ohio: Toledo (see overlay 567, perm 1/1/02)
423 TN -5 E Tennessee, except Knoxville metro area: Chattanooga, Bristol, Johnson City, Kingsport, Greeneville (see split 865; part of what used to be 615)
424 CA -8 S California: Los Angeles (see split 562; overlaid on 310 mand 7/26/06)
425 WA -8 Washington: North Tier - Everett, Bellevue (split from 206, see also 253; overlay 564)
430 TX -6 NE Texas: Tyler (overlaid on 903, eff 7/20/02)
432 TX -7/-6 W Texas: Big Spring, Midland, Odessa (split from 915, eff 4/5/03)
434 VA -5 E Virginia: Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Danville, South Boston, and Emporia (split from 804, eff 6/1/01; see also 757)
435 UT -7 Rural Utah outside Salt Lake City metro (see split 801)
438 QC -5 Canada: SW Quebec: Montreal city (overlaid on 514, [delayed until 6/06] eff 10/10/03, mand 2/7/04)
440 OH -5 Ohio: Cleveland metro area, excluding Cleveland (split from 216, see also 330)
441 -- -4 Bermuda (part of what used to be 809)
442 CA -8 Far north suburbs of San Diego (Oceanside, Escondido, SUSPENDED -- originally perm 10/21/00, mand 4/14/01)
443 MD -5 E Maryland: Baltimore, Annapolis, Chesapeake Bay area, Ocean City (overlaid on 410)
450 QC -5/-4 Canada: Southeastern Quebec; suburbs outside metro Montreal
456 -- -- Inbound International
464 IL -6 Illinois: south suburbs of Chicago (see 630; overlaid on 708)
469 TX -6 Texas: Dallas Metro (overlays 214/972)
470 GA -5 Georgia: Greater Atlanta Metropolitan Area (overlaid on 404/770/678; mand 9/2/01)
473 -- -4 Grenada ("new" -- split from 809)
475 CT -5 Connecticut: New Haven, Greenwich, southwestern (postponed; was perm 1/6/01; mand 3/1/01???)
478 GA -5 Central Georgia: Macon (split from 912; see also 229; perm 8/1/00; mand 8/1/01)
479 AR -6 NW Arkansas: Fort Smith, Fayetteville, Springdale, Bentonville (SPLIt from 501, perm 1/19/02, mand 7/20/02)
480 AZ -7* Arizona: East Phoenix (see 520; also Phoenix split 602, 623)
484 PA -5 SE Pennsylvania: Allentown, Bethlehem, Reading, West Chester,
28tel电话卡,美国是0.2元/分钟 新加坡0.25 韩国0.45 香港0.2 泰国0.3 地区不一样资费不一样的