ps. 估计又是非英语国家的大作,只能按语法来。
Petersburg predation of interactions (habitat prey, requirements, would require corporate demand) habitats collective property rights (or the property or governance arrangements collective property) and melky you the harvesters (fishing pleasure of) and melky interested the claimants of their harvest the business decisions, to protect government restrictions that particular subject are grouped together public goods provides Other approach
其他的相互作用(或者叫互动)(例如:捕食,生境需求)则需要合作或是集体产权和能使捕捞者和其他感兴趣的团体和他们收获决定的剩余索赔人屈服于政府保护共有品限制条款的统制管理政策.(补充:这句话中,需要的宾语是 合作,集体产权,和统治管理政策.)