100分悬赏!英语翻译。陈欧的简介。 档案: 1983年2月4日出生于四川德阳,中国企业

2025-03-17 10:35:00

Chen Ou's profile.

Archives :
- February 4, 1983 was born in Deyang , Chinese entrepreneurs, the founder and CEO of JUMEI.
- 16 years old student studying in Nanyang Technological University at Singapore, major in computer science
- Received a MBA degree from Stanford University in 2010
- Made into top of the Forbes list of entrepreneurs at age 29

Business Profile:
- May 16, 2014 , JUMEI officially go onto the New York Stock Exchange, the market value goes more than 3.5 billion US dollars
- Chen Ou become the NYSE 's Listed Company youngest CEO in the histoey of 220 years, the market value of shares held by more than 1.1 billion US dollars
- July of 2011 , the company launched the famous ad - " I speak for himself ," has been widely praised and praise .

Business Innovation :
First, Chen Ou initially caught the two start points:
Sex (gender) advantage ( because there are only a few men engaged in the beauty industry in China )
The prevalence of e-commerce in China

Second, the form of buying together at the shopping site attracts customers , and inexpensive skin care products as a major selling point

Third, with his handsome appearance for their own advertising


Chen ou introduction.
Born in February 4, 1983 in Deyang, Sichuan, Chinese entrepreneur Jumei Youpin founder and CEO
At the age of 16 students attending the Nanyang Technology University computerprofessional Singapore
In 2010 USA MBA from Stanford University
29 year old Ron den Forbes entrepreneurs list
Business overview:
In May 16, 2014, Jumei Youpin USA officially listed on the New York stock exchange, the market value of more than $3500000000
Chen Ou become the NYSE for more than 220 years of history the most young listing Corporation CEO[5], the stock market value of more than $1100000000
In 2011 July, the company launched the famous advertising -- "I speak for myself", has been widely praised and praise.
Business innovation:
A, Chen Ou initially grabbed 2 points of entrepreneurship:
Gender advantage (because the beauty industry in Chinese few men engaged in)
The electronic commerce in the prevalence of Chinese
Two, in the form of group purchase website to attract customers with high quality and inexpensive, and skin care products as the main selling point
Three, with his handsome appearance to advertise their own

