
2024-11-17 20:29:43

饮食与文化密切相关,不同的民族和国家缔造了不同的饮食文化,所以饮食文化具有浓 郁的民族性和多样性的特点。
Food has a closely relationship with culture. All the food cultures have different characteristics of nationality and diversity due to diverse food cultures which different nations and countries can make.
中国与英美等西方国家对饮食的观念、宴会礼仪、烹饪方式以 及等方面都存在着显著的差异。
There has been a large difference in eating habbits , table manners, cooking ,and so on between China and those western countries like U.S. and U.K.
Difference in Food Conception
China is a country which emphasis on the concept of apperence, and ever put the favor of the food in the first place whiling dining.
在中国的烹调 术中,对美味的追求几乎达到极致,想尽一切办法,使尽一切手段,将食品的味道弄出名堂 ,弄出特色来,这点是西方人望尘莫及的。
In Chinese cooking, it is said that people are extremely particular about the food's favor, using all kind of methods to make the food delicious, and which, said to be special. This is hardly that Westerners can do.
西方是一种理性的饮食观念,西方人在摄取食物 的时候,基本上是从营养的角度理解事物的。
However,Western courtries emphasis on the reasonable food concept. When they are dining, they basically more care about the nutrition of the food.
强调采用新鲜原料,强调在烹调过程中保持原 有的营养成分和原有的味道,蔬菜基本上都是生吃。
And, They more concentrate on the fresh materials, and keeping the original favor and nutrition whiling cooking. As so far, they usually eat the vegetables raw.
所以说西方饮食之中营养是带有普遍性 的。
At all, it is common to say that the nutrition is kept in the Western diet.
在宴席上,可以讲究餐具,讲究用料,讲究服务,讲究菜肴原料的形和色等方面的搭配 ,但是在滋味上各种原料都互不相干,各是各的味,注重营养的搭配。
When in banquet, Westerners can be particular about the dishes, the materials, and service, and the mix of the apperence and the favor of the materials. The favor of various materials can be said to be totally different,carrying with their own favors. They often pay more attention on the nutritional mix.