
2025-03-25 14:26:01



  The planet Lusitania is home to three sentient species: the Pequeninos; a large colony of humans; and the Hive Queen, brought there by Ender. But once against the human race has grown fearful; the Starways Congress has gathered a fleet to destroy Lusitania.Jane, the evolved computer intelligence, can save the three sentient races of Lusitania. She has learned how to move ships outside the universe, and then instantly back to a different world, abolishing the light-speed limit. But it takes all the processing power available to her, and the Starways Congress is shutting down the Net, world by world.Soon Jane will not be able to move the ships. Ender's children must save her if they are to save themselves.

  The War is over, won by Ender Wiggin and his team of brilliant child-warriors. The enemy is destroyed, the human race is saved. Ender himself refuses to return to the planet, but his crew has gone home to their families, scattered across the globe. The battle school is no more.But with the external threat gone, the Earth has become a battlefield once more. The children of the Battle School are more than heros; they are potential weapons that can bring power to the countries that control them. One by one, all of Ender's Dragon Army are kidnapped. only Bean escapes; and he turns for help to Ender's brother Peter.Peter Wiggin, Ender's older brother, has already been manipulating the politics of Earth from behind the scenes. With Bean's help, he will eventually rule the world.

  《霸主的影子》(shadow of the Hegemon)是奥森·斯科 特·卡特(Orson Scott Card)的安德系列的第六部作品, 也是《安德的影子》(Ender's shadow)的续集。
  细心的读者一定都发现了,在前一部《安德的影子》的结 尾,作者留下了一个很明显的伏笔:主人公豆(Bean)的 宿敌阿基里斯(achilles)从监狱中被一群来历不明的武 装分子救了出去。本书的故事就此展开:
  虫族战争结束后,安德(Ender)远走他乡,去开拓新的殖民星球,他的部下们——太空军校的天才少年们——则回 到地球开始他们新的生活。一切似乎都恢复了平静,但野 心的暗流却在看似平静的外表下蠢蠢欲动。
  安德的长兄彼得(Peter)预见到了这种危机,他以其在网络上深具政治影响力的笔名“洛克”(Locke)写信给当时 的国际舰队总司令查姆拉杰那加(Chamrajnagar)上将, 警告这种危险,却反碰了一鼻子灰。
  然而彼得的话却不幸而言中了,在阿基里斯的策划下,俄国秘密部队绑架了安德军团(Ender's Jeesh)的所有成员, 只有一个人逃脱——那就是豆。
  在卡萝塔(Carlotta)修女的陪同下,豆开始逃亡,他意识到这一系列事件的幕后主使一定是阿基里斯。为了救出 被绑架的同伴,豆开始寻找他潜在的盟友,他所想到的第 一个人选就是彼得。
  野心勃勃的彼得想要成为地球==的最高领导人——霸主 (Hegemon),而豆关心的则是自己以及同伴的生命安全。 但他们的短期目标却是一致的,那就是击败他们共同的敌 人——阿基里斯。于是地球上最最桀傲不驯的两个男孩开 始携手合作,迈上各自的征程……
  豆能否救出被关押的同伴?彼得能否如愿成为霸主?阿基 里斯又将如何对付豆的反击?

  Earth and its society have been changed irrevocably in the aftermath of Ender Wiggin's victory over the Formics. The unity forced upon the warring nations by an alien enemy has shattered. Nations are rising again, seeking territory and influence, and most of all, seeking to control the skills and loyalty of the children from the Battle School.

  But one person has a better idea. Peter Wiggin, Ender's older, more ruthless brother, sees that any hope for the future of Earth lies in restoring a sense of unity and purpose. And he has an irresistible call on the loyalty of Earth's young warriors. With Bean at his side, the two will reshape our future.

  Here is the continuing story of Bean and Petra, and the rest of Ender's Dragon, as they take their place in the new government of Earth.

  Bean's past was a battle just to survive. He first appeared on the streets of Rotterdam, a tiny child with a mind leagues beyond anyone else. He knew he could not survive through strength; he used his tactical genius to gain acceptance into a children's gang, and then to help make that gang a template for success for all the others. He civilized them, and lived to grow older. Then he was discovered by the recruiters for the Battle School.For Earth was at war -- a terrible war with an inscrutable alien enemy. A war that humanity was near to losing. But the long distances of interstellar space has given hope to the defenders of Earth -- they had time to train military geniuses up from childhood, forging them into an irresistible force in the high-orbital facility called the Battle School. That story is told in two books, the beloved classic Ender's Game, and its parallel, Ender's Shadow.Bean was the smallest student at the Battle School, but he became Ender Wiggins' right hand. Since then he has grown to be a power on Earth. He served the Hegemon as strategist and general in the terrible wars that followed Ender's defeat of the alien empire attacking Earth. Now he and his wife Petra yearn for a safe place to build a family -- something he has never known -- but there is nowhere on Earth that does not harbor his enemies -- old enemies from the days in Ender's Jeesh, new enemies from the wars on Earth. To find security, Bean and Petra must once again follow in Ender's footsteps. They must leave Earth behind, in the control of the Hegemon, and look to the stars.