《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(又名爱丽丝漫游奇境;英语:Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)是英国作家查尔斯·路德维希·道奇森以笔名路易斯·卡罗尔于1865年出版的儿童文学作品。故事叙述一个名叫爱丽丝的女孩从兔子洞进入一处神奇国度,遇到许多会讲话的生物以及像人一般活动的纸牌,最后发现原来是一场梦。本书出版之后即广受欢迎,儿童和成人都喜爱这部作品,并且反复再版至今。至今已有超过五十种语言的译本,上百种不同版本,以及许多戏剧、电影等改编作品。在英文中,本书通常被简称为Alice in Wonderland,并适用于大部分的改编作品。
《爱丽丝奇境历险记》讲述了小姑娘爱丽丝追赶一只揣着怀表、会说话的白兔,掉进了一个兔子洞,由此坠入了神奇的地下世界。在这个世界里,喝一口水就能缩得如同老鼠大小,吃一块蛋糕又会变成巨人,在这个世界里,似乎所有吃的东西都有古怪。她还遇到了一大堆人和动动画片剧照(20张)物:渡渡鸟、蜥蜴比尔、柴郡猫、疯帽匠、三月野兔、睡鼠、素甲鱼、鹰头狮、丑陋的公爵夫人。兔子洞里还另有乾坤,她在一扇小门后的大花园里遇到了一整副的扑克牌,牌里粗暴的红桃王后、老好人红桃国王和神气活现的红桃杰克(J)等等。在这个奇幻疯狂的世界里,似乎只有爱丽丝是唯一清醒的人,她不断探险,同时又不断追问“我是谁”,在探险的同时不断认识自我,不断成长,终于成长为一个“大”姑娘的时候,猛然惊醒,才发现原来这一切都是自己的一个梦境。 《爱丽丝穿镜奇幻记》讲述的是小姑娘爱丽丝刚下完一盘国际象棋,又对镜子里反映的东西好奇不已,以致穿镜而入,进入了镜子中的象棋世界。在这里,整个世界就是一个大棋盘,爱丽丝本人不过是这个棋盘中的一个小卒。小姑娘从自己所处的棋格开始,一步一步向前走,每一步棋都有奇妙的遭遇:爱丽丝会脚不沾地地飞着走路,那里的花朵和昆虫都会说话,白王后变成了绵羊女店主,她手中的编织针变成划船的桨,等等。镜中的故事大多取材于英国传统童谣,作者通过自己的想象加以展开,并详细叙述,童谣里的人和物活灵活现地呈现在读者面前:为一丁点儿小事打架的对头兄弟,行止傲慢的憨蛋和为争夺王冠而战的狮子和独角兽。看来只有发明家兼废品收藏家白骑士无法归类,但他恰好是作者本人的化身。等到爱丽丝终于走到第八格,当了王后之后,为所有这些人准备了一次盛大的宴会,宴会上的烤羊腿会鞠躬,布丁会说话,盛宴最终变成了一片混乱,忍无可忍的爱丽丝紧紧捉住摇晃的红后最后变成了一只小黑猫,爱丽丝也在摇晃中醒来,开始追问这到底是自己的梦呢,还是红国王的梦?
刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll),原名查尔斯·路德维希·道奇逊,与安徒生、格林兄弟齐名的世界顶尖儿童文学大师。原名查尔斯·路德维希·道奇逊。1832年1月出生于英国柴郡的一个漫画剧照(20张)牧师家庭,1898年卒于萨里。曾在牛津大学基督堂学院任教达30年之久,业余爱好非常广泛,尤其喜爱儿童肖像摄影。他的第一本童书《爱丽丝奇境历险记》于1865年出版,当时就引起了巨大轰动,1871年又推出了续篇《爱丽丝穿镜奇幻记》,更是好评如潮。两部童书旋即风靡了整个世界,成为一代又一代孩子们乃至成人最喜爱的读物。
"Alice somnambulate elfland" (another name is Alice in Wonderland; English: roaming Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland) is British author Charles Ludwig van dodgson pseudonym luis carol in 1865, the publication of the children's literature. The story tells a girl called Alice from rabbit hole into one place magical kingdom, meet many can speak like organisms and are generally activities CARDS, finally found is a dream. Book after that was popular, children and adults, all love this works, and repeated revision today. So far there have been more than 50 language translations, hundreds of different versions, and many plays, films, etc adaptation works. In English, the book is often referred to as "Alice in Wonderland, and are suitable for most of the adaptation works.
The main contents
"Alice in wonderland adventure" tells the little girl Alice chasing a chuai wear pocket watch, talking white rabbit, fell down a rabbit hole, which fell magical subterranean world. In this world, sip of water can shrink as mouse size and a cake will turn into a giant, in this world, it seems that all eat food with odd. She met a lot of people and dynamic cartoon still (20 copies) content: the dodo, lizards, bill, the Cheshire cat, the mad hatter, the march hare, the dormouse, grain turtle, eagle head lion, ugly duchess. Rabbit hole is there another catches on, she was in the small doors after the big garden met all the CARDS, CARDS, deputy in rough red peach queen, a smoothie red peach king and jauntier red peach jack (J), etc. In this fantasy crazy world, seems to be the only Alice is the only person awake, her constant exploration, also constantly ask "who am I," in exploration and constantly self-understanding, grow up and finally grows into a "big" girl, suddenly awakened, discovered that all this is one of your dreams. The Alice wear mirror fantasy ji tells of the little girl Alice just after a plate of chess, again to the mirror reflects something curious, so that the wear mirror and into, into the mirror chess world. Here, the whole world is a grand chessboard, Alice I however is the chessboard of a cohort. Little girl from their place chess lattice began, step by step forward, every step chess has wonderful experience: Alice will without touching the ground and flew to walk, where the flowers and the insects can speak, white queen becomes a sheep female shopkeeper, her hand woven needle into boating OARS, etc. In the mirror of story mostly drawn from traditional English nursery rhymes, the author tries to spread through his imagination, and the detailed narration, nursery rhymes of things and people in the reader to show lifelike for a tiny bit small before: brother, fight adversary yijing arrogant silly eggs and scramble for crown and fighting the lion and the unicorns. It seems that the only inventor and waste collectors white knight, but he just couldn't categorize the author incarnation. Alice finally go until eighth lattice, when the queen, after all these people prepared a grand banquet and the roast leg of lamb will bow, pudding will talk, regale eventually become a confusion, unbearable Alice tightly caught after shaking red eventually turned into a small black cat, Alice was swinging woke up in starting to ask what is my dream? Or red king's dream?
The authors introduce
Lewis Carroll (. Lewis Carroll), formerly known as Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson, with Andersen, the brothers Grimm eponymous world top of children's literature masters. Formerly named Charles Ludwig van dodge Hudson. 1832 January was born in Cheshire a cartoon still (20 copies) family pastor, 1898 pawn in surrey. Once at Oxford University institute of Christ church taught 30 years, hobby is very extensive, especially loves children's portrait photography. His first book of children's book "adventure" Alice in wonderland in 1865, publishing, then has caused great sensation, 1871 again launched sequels the Alice wear record ", but also magic mirror highly praised. Two children's book immediately has become popular throughout the world and become a generation after generation children and adult favorite books.
If Lewis Carroll because these two children's book known as the father of modern fairy tale, there is not exaggerated ingredients. At least two of his Alice in wonderland "change after the traditional fairy tale (including the Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale", "green fairy tale) filled with killing and sermons style, thus laid a grotesque and fancy modern fairy tale fundamental key. Only from this point, it is the cross time milestone.
In 1865, the Alice somnambulate elfland published, and a great success. Not only the children like to read, many adults will also its as classic, including the famous writer Oscar Wilde at that time and the reign of queen Victoria. At present the book has been translated into at least 125 languages in the world popular time.
Works on later literature, film creation enormously influence, especially in the 19th century, imitate masterpiece emerge in endlessly. Interestingly, even shen congwen's works "adan think China travel phenomenon" is the name of a sequel to Alice to reflect the then social darkness. But in the film "hacker empire", leading mourinho is told to "close attention to white rabbit hole".
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