
2025-03-18 11:48:39

>> STM32F4的2个USB是否可以同时使用

STM32Cube_FW_F4_V1.3.0 提供了两个例子

DualCore_Standalone USB Host Dual Core example

This is a typical example on how to use the STM32F4xx USB OTG Host peripheral to operate with an USB MSC
device connected to the High Speed port and a HID device connected to the Full Speed port.

DualCore_Standalone USB Device Dual Core example

This is a typical example on how to use the STM32F4xx USB OTG Device peripheral, where STM32 is
enumerated as a MSC device in the High Speed mode, and also as a HID device in the Full Speed mode,
using the native PC Host HID/MSC drivers to which the STM324xG-EVAL board is connected.

HS的作为Device,FS的作为Host 理论上是可行的