wait you hear from me ——莎拉。寇娜
这是一首反毒品歌曲,歌曲从一开始就表明这是为情同姐妹的好友而唱。那个女孩因为染上了毒瘾无法自拔,从而断送了大好的生命。当那个女孩打电话给她说,周一和周二,我们不可能见面。周三和周四?看情况吧,如果你愿意等,我也许会给你电话。周五就要靠想象力了,说不定周六你就把我忘记了。但到了Sarah Connor得到消息的时候,那个女孩已经因为毒品而死去了。
这首歌曲作完之后给人的触动,给Sarah Connor的感动都非常之大。回想起两人过去深厚的感情,她无比的感激。虽然歌曲的节奏比较快,但还是掩饰不住悲伤与遗憾,尤其是开始的独白部分,表达了Sarah对好朋友Maria的思念。我想这首歌不仅仅是表达对Maria的思念,同时也告诫世人:生命是脆弱的,当灾难来临,不得不告别亲人朋友的时候,再多的后悔和留恋都是于事无补的!
wait till you hear from me --献给所有因毒品失去自我的人
this song is about Maria 这是一首关于玛丽亚的歌
a close friend of mine 我的一个亲密朋友
who lost herself in drugs 一个在毒品里失去自己的人
she told me to wait for her 她让我等她
but guess what... 但是猜猜什么发生了
she never came back 她再也没回来
and i'm still waiting 我一直在等待
she told me 她告诉我
wait 'til you hear from me 等我给你打电话吧
monday, tuesday it won't be 不是周一周二
wednesday, thursday we will see 也许是周三周四
if only you can wait baby 宝贝也许你能等我
wait 'til you hear from me 等我给你打电话吧
friday use your fantasy 周五自己去想吧
saturday you got over me 周六你也许忘了我
if only you can wait baby 宝贝也许你能等我
she was called Maria and she really was a friend 她叫作玛丽亚,她是我真正的好朋友
i remember when we were walking hand in hand 我还记得我们手牵手的日子
she was telling me that she understands 她告诉我她认为
all the world and every thrill by taking little pills 毒品让她无所不知,兴奋异常
so she was trying everything and more 所以她尝试各种毒品
alcohol and speed, coke and weed and tried to score 酒,安非他命,可卡因,大麻,尝试走私
tragedy: she didn't feel much better than before 悲剧发生:她没有比从前快乐
so she got away here quick to find a better kick 所以她寻找一个更快的解脱的方法
never let it, wanna find her 别让它发生,想要找到她
can't forget it to remind her 不能忘记,想要提醒她
she's my sister, wanna tell her 我想要告诉她,她是我的姐妹
how i miss her, she told me 多么想念她,她告诉我
wait, don't call you've got to 等,别给我打电话
wait 'til you hear from me 等我给你打电话
wait, that's all you've got to 等,你要做的是等我
wait... 等待
when she arrived in the city of the stars 当她来到这个众星云集的好莱坞
blinded by the lights, a burning in the heart 灯光让她沉醉,心潮澎湃
she believed to play what she called her part 她相信她在扮演着她的角色
a member of society to satisfy her dreams 满足她的梦想的社会的角色
no one paid attention on her skills 没有人在意她的能力
so she found crack is another way to fill 所以她发现堕落是让她满足的另一个方式
the emptiness inside right now she got her thrill 原本内心的空虚,现在让她兴奋
guess, who gave his life away? she did it every day 猜猜,是谁夺走了她的生命?是她自己
why did she throw her life away? 为什么她随意放弃生命
why did she say don't call just wait? 为什么她说别打电话,让我等待?
if you wanna go to the city of stars 如果你想去这个充满梦想的好莱坞
can you help me to find my girl Maria 你能帮我找到我的朋友玛丽亚吗?
she once was an actress and a beauty queen 她曾经是一名演员,漂亮有气质的女孩
then the drugs took over and made her mean 毒品带走了她的生命,让她堕落
i tried to stand by her side make her feel alright 我试图支持她让她感觉好一些
but she wished to get over to the other side 可是她要追逐另一端的生活
and since I can't really get her out of my mind 我无法将她从脑海中抹去
I'm asking you, won't you help me to find 我请求你们,你能不能帮我找到她?
my sister 歌手:tindersticks 专辑:tindersticks 2
Do you remember my sister? How many mistakes did she make with those never blinking eyes? I couldn't work it out. I swear she could read your mind, your life, the depths of your soul at one glance. Maybe she was stripping herself away, saying
Here I am, this is me
I am yours and everything about me, everything you see...
If only you look hard enough
I never could.
Our life was a pillow-fight. We'd stand there on the quilt, our hands clenched ready. Her with her milky teeth, so late for her age, and a Stanley knife in her hand. She sliced the tyres on my bike and I couldn't forgive her.
She went blind at the age of five. We'd stand at the bedroom window and she'd get me to tell her what I saw. I'd describe the houses opposite, the little patch of grass next to the path, the gate with its rotten hinges forever wedged open that Dad was always going to fix. She'd stand there quiet for a moment. I thought she was trying to develop the images in her own head. Then she'd say:
I can see little twinkly stars,
like Christmas tree lights in faraway windows.
Rings of brightly coloured rocks
floating around orange and mustard planets.
I can see huge tiger striped fishes
chasing tiny blue and yellow dashes,
all tails and fins and bubbles.
I'd look at the grey house opposite, and close the curtains.
She burned down the house when she was ten. I was away camping with the scouts. The fireman said she'd been smoking in bed - the old story, I thought. The cat and our mum died in the flames, so Dad took us to stay with our Aunt in the country. He went back to London to find us a new house. We never saw him again.
On her thirteenth birthday she fell down the well in our Aunt's garden and broke her head. She'd been drinking heavily. On her recovery her sight returned, a fluke of nature everyone said. That's when she said she'd never blink again. I would tell her when she started at me, with her eyes wide and watery, that they reminded me of the well she fell into. She liked this, it made her laugh.
She moved in with a gym teacher when she was fifteen, all muscles he was. He lost his job when it all came out, and couldn't get another one. Not in that kind of small town. Everybody knew everyone else's business. My sister would hold her head high, though. She said she was in love. They were together for five years until one day he lost his temper. He hit her over the back of the neck with his bullworker. She lost the use of the right side of her body. He got three years and was out in fifteen months. We saw him a while later, he was coaching a non-league football team in a Cornwall seaside town. I don't think he recognised her. My sister had put on a lot of weight from being in a chair all the time. She'd get me to stick pins and stub out cigarettes in her right hand. She'd laugh like mad because it didn't hurt. Her left hand was pretty good though. We'd have arm wrestling matches, I'd have to use both arms and she'd still beat me.
We buried her when she was 32. Me and my Aunt, the vicar, and the man who dug the hole. She said she didn't want to be cremated and wanted a cheap coffin so the worms could get to her quickly. She said she liked the idea of it, though I thought it was because of what happened to the cat and our mum.
张惠春 honey money 英文版
Wait 'Til U Hear From Me