1.捡漏:在古玩市场上用低廉价格买到了价值较高的古董 JianLou: in antique market with low price to buy more valuable antique 2. 打眼:在古玩市场上由于鉴定失误,把仿品或赝品作为真品购买 2. Drilling: in antique market because the identification error, imitated product or fake as genuine purchase . 掌眼:受人之托,为他人鉴定古董的真伪和艺术价值的高低 3. Palm eye: entrusted by the people, for the people identified the authenticity of art and antique value of high and low 4. 金属镶边:瓷器口边有所缺陷(如口磕,毛边等)用金属材料(金 银 铜 锡等)包镶遮盖 4. Metal edge: porcelain mouth edge are faulty (such as the mouth, flash, ke) with metal materials (gold, silver copper tin) packet set cover 5. 窑裂:由于窑内火力不匀,胎体受热不均而出现的裂纹 5. Kiln crack: due to the stove fire not divide evenly, tire body heated not all that occur and crack 6. 炸肚:器件的腹部因烧制时受热不匀,或烧成后被撞击而形成的裂纹 6. Fried belly: devices for fire heated when abdomen not divide evenly, or firing was smashed-up crack