因为他后面的ly不是天生的 所以要加more 我们老师是这样说的
Reference to the rules of grammar helps clarify this topic.
1. The comparative form of regular adjectives is made by adding -ER to the word (and the superative form by adding -EST.) But this rule can be safely applied only to monosyllables.
1b. Rule 1 also applies to adverbs (or adjectives that are used like adverbs) e.g. FAST, FASTER, FASTEST.
【2. Many adjectives with two syllables e.g. BURLY e.g.ORANGE do not follow rule 1. Their comparative forms must be made by the word MORE as MORE ORANGE,
MORE BURLY etc. No one allows ORANGER;
BURLIER may be allowed (but users disagree, some
preferring MORE BURLY.)】
【3. Adverbs usually end in -LY i.e. have two or moresyllables, thus follow Rule 2 rather than Rule 1.】
SLOWLIER is the application of Rule 1 to SLOWLY,
contrary to Rule 3 and is an error. This general type is common, following (Rule 4?) the guideline that, when in doubt, we should treat words as regular
rather than irregular. This is probably what prompts young children to use GOOD, GOODER, GOODEST
正确答案 slowly是多音节词 变比较级的时候要加 more 类似的还有很多 例如more beautiful 等