爆头:head shot
两连杀:double kill
三连杀:monster kill
四连杀:ouage kill
七连杀:you wanna piece me
八连杀:come get some
手雷:fire in the hole!
闪光弹:Flash gerande!
C4在A区:the bomb is plant it at A side
C4在B区:the bomb is plant it at B side
收到 roger that
不可以 negative
有敌情 anemy site
发现C4 bombs on the ground here
此区域安全 sector clear
漂亮 nice shoot/good job
奋发图强 keep going and stay strong team
跟着我 follow me
掩护我 cover me
先锋人员请等待 ....waiting for...
防守 hold position
全队集合 stick together team
突破 storm the front
按键z里的:1、肯定-roger、affirmative。2、否定-Negative.Over out。3、有敌情-Enemy spotted。4、发现C4-Bomb spotted。5、地区无异常-sector clear。
按键x里的:漂亮-good shot、good job。2、坚持到底-keep going stay strong team。3、跟我来-follow me。4、呼叫支援-cover me、help me。5、坚守阵地-keep front lines team。
按键c里的:1、A点集合-A site。2、B点集合-B site。3、守卫-Hold position。4、保持队形-stick together team。5、突破-storm the front。