
2025-03-25 06:31:41



以下是英文维基百科的WR 104的词条,比较详细的说明了问题,纠正一点的是,你所说的方位没有确切含义,宇宙中没有东南西北!所有方向都是平权的!咱们暂时不用担心,因为第一:没有检测到双星会在最近3000年内发生伽马暴,第二,确切角度不是那么容易算出来的,地球真的很小,碰到的几率不到百万分之一,再加上星际间暗物质和其他星系的阻挡以及引力作用,我们没有必要担心。下面的还算简单,不用翻译了吧?还有问题的话发邮件:laywon@163.com
WR 104 is a Wolf-Rayet star located 8000 light years from Earth. It is a binary star with a class OB companion. The stars have an orbital period of 220 days and the interaction between their stellar winds produce a spiral "pinwheel" outflow pattern over 200 AU long.[2] The spiral is composed of dust that would normally be prevented from forming by WR 104's intense radiation were it not for the star's companion. The region where the stellar wind from the two massive stars interacts compresses the material enough for the dust to form, and the rotation of the system causes the spiral-shaped pattern.[3]

WR 104's rotational axis is aligned within 16° of Earth.[4] This could have potential implications to the effects of WR 104's eventual supernova, since these explosions often produce jets from their rotational poles. It is possible that WR 104 may even produce a gamma-ray burst, though it is not possible to predict with certainty at this time.[3]


你说的那个星系我不清楚好像不对吧 不过有一个 船底座γ 一个超新星 他的地轴并没有对着地球 偏了一些 目前正在研究 它爆炸后的宽度是否扫到地球......... 你的我不太清楚.

