Private Type Parent
s As String
value As Double
End Type
Private Type Plus
s As String
value As Double
End Type
Public Function ValueOfExpression(ByVal Express As String) As Double
Dim Pa() As Parent, ParNum As Integer, Ps() As Plus, OperNum As Integer
Dim str0 As String
'按括号分解表达式 Express:Begin-----/*
Dim lenExp As Integer, Lenstr1 As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, str1 As String, str2 As String, intPar As Integer
Dim intStart As Integer, intEnd As Integer
lenExp = Len(Express)
For i = 1 To lenExp
If Mid(Express, i, 1) = "(" Then intPar = intPar + 1
ParNum = intPar
ReDim Pa((intPar / 10 + 1) * 10)
For i = 1 To intPar
If intPar < 1 Then Exit For
For j = 1 To lenExp
If Mid(Express, j, 1) = ")" Then
str1 = Mid(Express, 1, j - 1)
Exit For
End If
Lenstr1 = Len(str1)
For k = 1 To Lenstr1
If Mid(str1, Lenstr1 + 1 - k, 1) = "(" Then
Pa(i).s = Mid(str1, Lenstr1 + 2 - k)
Exit For
End If
Express = Mid(Express, 1, Lenstr1 - k) & Chr(128) & CStr(i) & Mid(Express, j + 1)
lenExp = Len(Express)
Pa(0).s = Express
Dim n As Integer, strLeft As String
For i = 0 To ParNum
k = 0
For j = 1 To Len(Pa(i).s)
str1 = Mid(Pa(i).s, j, 1)
If str1 = "+" Or str1 = "-" Then k = k + 1
If k > OperNum Then OperNum = k
ReDim Ps(ParNum, OperNum)
For i = 0 To ParNum
strLeft = Pa(i).s: n = 0: str2 = ""
If Len(strLeft) = 0 Then Exit Do
For j = 1 To Len(strLeft)
str1 = Mid(strLeft, j, 1)
If str1 = "+" Or str1 = "-" Then
Ps(i, n).s = str2 & Mid(strLeft, 1, j - 1)
n = n + 1
str2 = IIf(str1 = "-", str1, "")
strLeft = Mid(strLeft, j + 1)
Exit For
End If
If j = Len(strLeft) Then
Ps(i, n).s = str2 & strLeft: j = 0
Exit For
End If
Loop Until j = 0
'计算最后分成的多个简单表达式的值的总和,即表达式 Express 的值
Dim Total As Double, value As Double
For i = 1 To ParNum + 1
If i = ParNum + 1 Then i = 0
Total = 0
For j = 0 To OperNum
Express = Ps(i, j).s: value = 0
Dim lasti As Integer, operator As String
lenExp = Len(Express): lasti = 0: operator = ""
For k = 1 To lenExp
str0 = Mid(Express, k, 1)
If InStr("*/^", str0) > 0 Or k = lenExp Then
If k = lenExp Then k = k + 1
str1 = Mid(Express, lasti + 1, k - 1 - lasti)
Dim sign As Integer, Valstr1 As Double
If Mid(str1, 1, 1) = "-" Then
sign = -1
str1 = Mid(str1, 2)
sign = 1
End If
n = InStr(1, "/sin" & Chr(128) & "/cos" & Chr(128) & "/tan" & Chr(128) & "/abs" & Chr(128) & "/atn" & Chr(128) & "/exp" & Chr(128) & "/int" & Chr(128) & "/fix" & Chr(128) & "/sgn" & Chr(128) & "/sqr" & Chr(128) & "/", "/" & Mid(str1, 1, 4) & "/")
If n > 0 Then
Valstr1 = Choose((n + 4) / 5, Sin(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value), Cos(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value), Tan(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value), Abs(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value), Atn(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value), Exp(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value), Int(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value), Fix(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value), Sgn(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value), Sqr(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 5))).value))
n = InStr(1, "/lg" & Chr(128) & "/ln" & Chr(128) & "/", Mid(str1, 1, 3))
If n > 0 Then
Valstr1 = Choose((n + 3) / 4, Log(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 4))).value) / Log(10), Log(Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 4))).value))
If Mid(str1, 1, 1) = Chr(128) Then
Valstr1 = Pa(Val(Mid(str1, 2))).value
ElseIf Right(str1, 1) = "!" Then
If Val(str1) = 0 Then
Valstr1 = 1
Valstr1 = 1
For n = 1 To Val(str1)
Valstr1 = Valstr1 * n
End If
Valstr1 = Val(str1)
End If
End If
End If
Valstr1 = Valstr1 * sign
Select Case operator
Case ""
value = Valstr1
Case "*"
value = value * Valstr1
Case "/"
value = value / Valstr1
Case "^"
value = value ^ Valstr1
End Select
lasti = k: operator = str0
End If
Ps(i, j).value = value
Total = Total + Ps(i, j).value
Pa(i).value = Total
If i = 0 Then Exit For
ValueOfExpression = Pa(0).value
End Function
'Print ValueOfExpression(A)
'Print ValueOfExpression("sin(1)")