Happiness is a state of mind. Its denominator is desiration and its numerator is income. However large is the numerator, you will never reach happiness if the denominator is larger. So, a good state of mind is everything.
Happiness is a state of mind, it is the denominator, molecular is income, no matter how, if the denominator molecules, not more than happy forever? So a good attitude is the most important.
Happiness is an attitude, Desire is the denominator while earning is the numerator. However much large the numerator is, if the denominator is even larger, is it possible to achieve happiness? Thus a good attitude is the key factor.
happy actually is not what u are but what u being.a kind of attitude.its denominator's called desire,and its numerator's called money.no matter how big the numerator will be,if the denominator was bigger than it,how could the fraction be called happiness?
so a good life attitude is the most important.
i think it's a good metaphor btw.