
2025-01-07 09:02:20

随着信息技术突飞猛进的发展,尤其是计算机技术与网络技术的结合,人类社会产生了前所未有的巨大变革。然而,科学技术历来就是一把双刃剑。绚丽多姿的网络世界,就像“潘多拉魔盒”在给人类社会带来希望的同时,也释放出“飘过世纪的乌云”——— 计算机犯罪1. 国外一位犯罪学家指出:比起现实世界,人们似乎更倾向于在网络上犯罪1.随着社会信息化程度的不断提高,计算机犯罪日益严重地渗透到社会生活的各个层面,遭受计算机犯罪侵害的领域越来越广泛,危害的程度也越来越高。这给我国的刑事法造成了诸多冲击,亟待研究解决。

计算机犯罪对相关罪名立法之冲击在我国第一部刑法(1979年刑法)立法时,由于当时的计算机发展水平不高,计算机在我国的应用范围极其有限,故该部刑法未对计算机犯罪作出任何规定。随着计算机技术的不断发展和应用范围的不断扩大,1986 年在深圳发生了我国首例以计算机为犯罪工具的金融诈骗案件2.此后,类似的案件不断增多。对于此类以计算机为犯罪工具的案件,1979年刑法还能勉强应对,可以按其目的行为所触犯的罪名如诈骗罪、盗窃罪、贪污罪等进行处罚。然而,对于随后发生的纯正的计算机犯罪,即以计算机信息系统为侵害对象的非法侵入和破坏行为,1979年刑法就显得无能为力了。针对这种冲击,修订后刑法(1997年刑法)作出了一定的回应,以第285条和第286条专门规定了非法侵入计算机信息系统罪和破坏计算机信息系统罪两个罪名。但是,由于计算机犯罪是一种全新的犯罪形式,加之立法经验和立法水平不足,这两个罪名的立法本身就不尽完善。再加之立法的回应跟不上一日千里的计算机发展和应用速度,计算机犯罪又对修订后刑法发出诸多冲击,使得1997年刑法在层出不穷的计算机犯罪面前又显得相对滞后。这种滞后在罪名问题上主要表现为:


首先,刑法第285条规定:“违反国家规定,侵入国家事务、国防建设、尖端科学技术领域的计算机信息系统,处三年以下有期徒刑或拘役”。该条将非法侵入计算机信息系统罪的犯罪对象仅限于国家事务、国防建设和尖端科技领域的计算机信息系统,保护范围显得过于狭窄。这种规定,明显落后于时代发展的需要,与计算机技术日新月异的发展及其在我国各行各业的广泛应用状况极不相称。目前我国许多单位,尤其是金融、邮电、医疗、交通、高校等部门都建立了计算机信息系统。这些信息系统关系到社会生活的各个方面,许多系统与公众利益息息相关,如果我们对这些计算机信息系统不从刑法上加以保护,那么对这些系统的非法侵入将无法用刑罚加以制裁,这极不利于打击犯罪,保护国家、社会和个人的合法权益。因此,在刑法中对其保护范围作适当的扩大,显得很有必要。再者,根据刑法第286 条的规定,破坏计算机信息系统罪,是指违反国家规定,对计算机信息系统功能进行删除、修改、增加、干扰或对计算机信息系统中储存、处理、传输的数据和应用程序进行删除、修改、增加的操作,或故意制作、传播计算机病毒等破坏性程序,影响计算机系统正常运行,造成严重后果的行为。本条旨在保护计算机信息系统安全,但该条的规定也显示出一些不足之处。本条将传播计算机病毒的行为规定为实害犯,即需要造成严重后果的才能构成犯罪。这一规定不尽合理。计算机病毒往往具有潜伏性,使得感染病毒的计算机系统不一定立刻受到病毒的影响。例如风行全球的CIH病毒,就经历了一个较长的潜伏期之后,才全面爆发。如果按本条的规定以实害犯标准加以衡量,那么在潜伏期内就看不出其实质的危害结果,从而很难适用本条对其加以惩处。但如果以危险犯标准,即计算机病毒可能给信息系统造成多大危害来加以衡量,则可以通过估测病毒感染的范围以及从程序代码的分析结果中估测其可能具有的破坏力大小,只要其对计算机信息系统安全的威胁达到一定程度就能成罪。因而,若将本条中传播计算机病毒的行为由实害犯改为危险犯并单独成罪,则更加合理、可取。





计算机犯罪主体的低龄化是一个不可忽视的趋势。世界各国的学校教育都将计算机操作作为一种基本内容加以普及,这对于社会的技术化进程无疑具有巨大的推动作用。但是,这也造就了一大批精通计算机技术的未成年人,这些人利用计算机技术的违法犯罪在一些国家已成为一个社会问题。我国的教育制度现在也强调此种教育,因而此种主体低龄化的趋势也可能在我国发生。至少未成年人制作计算机病毒的案件就已发生多起3.然而,我国刑法第17条第2款规定: “已满14周岁不满16周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任。”这就是说,除了该条款中规定的 , 种犯罪以外,该年龄段的人实施的任何危害社会的行为都不作犯罪处理。因而,我国刑法中的非法侵入计算机信息系统罪、破坏计算机信息系统罪的主体就不包括该年龄段的未成年人。但从司法实践来看,少年“黑客”是一种不可小觑的破坏力量,这就对我国刑法关于刑事责任年龄的规定产生了冲击。为了应对这种冲击,笔者认为,我国刑法应把已满14周岁不满16周岁的未成年人纳入计算机犯罪的主体范围。

此外,从司法实践来看,单位利用计算机网络实施非法侵入、破坏计算机信息系统的行为已不鲜见。例如,1997年,北京江民新技术公司为防止盗版,在其产品“KV3LL ”杀毒软件中加入“逻辑锁”,致使许多计算机不能正常运行4.再如,一些企业为了达到破坏其竞争对手商业信誉的目的而侵入、破坏他人计算机网络,这样的行为时有发生。然而,根据我国刑法第30条、第 285 条、第 286条的规定,单位不能成为侵入计算信息系统罪和破坏计算机信息系统罪的主体。因而,上述的单位危害行为又对我国刑法造成了冲击。为此,有必要将单位主体纳入计算机犯罪的规制范围。

根据我国刑法第285条、第286条的规定,我国刑法对计算机犯罪仅规定了自由刑,未规定财产刑和资格刑,并且自由刑的法定刑较低(第 285条仅规定3年以下有期徒刑或拘役;第286条对一般情形只规定5年以下有期徒刑或拘役,对造成严重后果的,亦只规定5年以上有期徒刑)。这一刑罚制度在日益猖獗的计算机犯罪面前,威慑力不足,从而使刑罚效果大打折扣,不利于实现刑罚的一般预防与特殊预防的目的。

计算机犯罪的主体往往是掌握计算机技术的智能型犯罪人,其犯罪目的通常是为了谋取非法利益或进行技术挑战。为了有效地打击、威慑和预防此类犯罪,应对现行刑法的刑种作出调整,增设以下财 产刑和资格刑:(1)罚金。立法时可以采取倍比罚金 制,即对犯罪人处以非法所得若干倍的罚金,使之真正起到惩戒和预防犯罪的双重效果。(2)没收财产。主要适用于以非法牟利为目的,情节严重的计算机 犯罪。(3)剥夺犯罪人的职业资格。例如剥夺从事与计算机相关行业的资格等。这主要适用于对计算机形成瘾癖的所谓“网虫”的犯罪人。

计算机犯罪的显著特征就是容易成功,获利大,风险小,不易侦破,定罪困难,后果严重。根据罪责刑 相适应原则,不施重刑,难以防止和打击,只有提高法定刑幅度,才能有效地回应其挑战,防患于未然。我国台湾地区的电脑犯罪立法即体现了这种精神,例如其“刑法”第318条规定:“利用电脑或其他相关设备犯第316至 318条之罪,加重其刑至二分之一。”其316 至 318条之规定为电脑资讯犯罪,其泄露资讯因电脑的特质所造成的损害远较传统犯罪为大,所以立法明确规定加重刑罚,这种做法无疑会对遏制电脑犯罪起到较好作用。因此按照罪责刑相适应原则,调高计算机犯罪的法定刑标准,避免罪刑失衡,是我国刑法为回应计算机犯罪的冲击而应当作出的选择。


根据我国刑法第6条至第11条的规定,我国刑法的刑事管辖权是以属地原则为主,兼采其他原则。而传统意义上的地域(即领域)仅含领陆、领水、领空和拟制领土,它是一个具体的,可触及的物理空 间,其界限相对分明。然而,计算机网络的出现,创造了一个全新的“虚拟世界”或“虚拟空间”——— 赛博空间(Cyber Space)。这一空间是属于真实的物理架构“(即多种线路及多种计算机设备所连结构成的系统)的数字化空间,人们不能物理地进入这一空间,但通过各种数字化的界面,却可以进行多种多样的活动”5.这一“虚拟空间”,有学者称之为“第五空间”,并认为传统刑法的属地管辖仅包括领陆、领水、领空、 拟制领土“4个空间”,不包括“虚拟世界”的计算机 网络系统这一“第五空间”,因而对于发生在本国领域外,又非直接针对本国及其公民的“第五空间”的犯罪,以属地原则为主、其他属人、保护原则为辅的传统刑法的管辖权显然难以覆盖。例如,无国籍人某B在Z国X网站实施了通过因特网传授邪教教义并发展邪教组织的行为,访问该网站的任何人因此均可在该网站主页上读到其教义并在线入教。这样,某B的行为无疑涉嫌构成中国刑法第300条规定的有关邪教组织的犯罪。然而对于本案,中国刑法很难管辖。因为因特网域既非领陆、领水、领空,也非拟制领土,不属于上述四大领域之任一部分,本案行为及结果又不发生在我国“领域内”,加之行为人某B既不是中国公民,又不是针对特定的中国国家或公民的犯罪,因而根据中国现行刑法关于空间效力的规定,中国刑法无权管辖6.然而,此类犯罪毕竟对于我国具有严重的社会危害性,若无权管辖又有放纵犯罪之嫌。由此可见,互联网络这一“虚拟空间”的出现,无疑对传统的刑事管辖权问题产生了巨大的冲击。对此,我国和国际社会应该反思传统刑法对于网络空间管辖规定之不足,尽早地对这种冲击作出回应,构想出超前性的刑法新“领域”,将刑法的“领域”适当地扩大到该“虚拟空间”。


计算机犯罪也给我国的刑事证据制度造成了一定的冲击。我国现行刑事诉讼法第42条规定:证明“案件真实情况的一切事实,都是证据。证据有以下7种:(1)物证、书证;(2)证人证言;(3)被害人陈述;(4))犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解;(5)鉴定结论;(6)勘验、检查笔录;(7)视听资料”。在上述7种证据种类中,计算机犯罪中的电子证据——— 电磁记录,究竟属于哪一种证据?由于计算机犯罪中的证据问题是一个全新的问题,我国法学界和司法实践部门对其认识还不统一,对于它的法律定位,产生了“视听资料说”、“书证说”、“鉴定结论说”、“独立证据说”和“混合证据说”等不同观点7.笔者认为,计算机证据主要有3个特点:其一,是以其所存储信息的内容来证明犯罪事实;其二,其存在方式是以二进制代码的形式(即数字式形式)存储于存储介质中;其三,在感知方式上,它必须借助电子设备,且不能脱离特定的系统环境。第一个特点使计算机证据具有书证、视听资料的某些特征,但后两个特点又使它区别于所有证据种类。数字化信息的一个突出特点就是它以“0”或“1”两个数的不同编码存储,信息一旦数字化就可以利用计算机随意加码、编辑,而不具有其他证据相对稳定直观的特点。因此,将计算机证据归属于刑事诉讼法第42条中的任何一种证据,都是不妥当的。随着计算机犯罪案件的不断增多,计算机电磁证据将大量涌现,为了避免区分认定证据上的分歧与争论,刑事诉讼法应该作出恰当的回应,有必要将计算机证据规定为一种新的证据种类,给它一个明确的法律定位。


Along with the information technology development by leaps and bounds, especially computer technology and network technology, human society has the unprecedented changes. However, science and technology is a double-edged sword. Colorful world, like "network pandoras box" to bring hope in human society, and also release the clouds float ", "-- the computer crime 1 foreign a crime experts point out: compared to the real world, people seem more inclined to on the network crime 1 information-based society with improvement of serious crime, the computer to penetrate into all aspects of social life, from the fields of computer crime violations more and more widely, more and more is also high degree of harm. This gave our criminal law has caused many to solve urgently, research.

Computer crime legislation related to the impact on charges of criminal law in our country the first criminal legislation (1979), because of the computer development level is not high, the application of computer in our country, the criminal law is not limited to any computer crime. With the development of computer technology and application scope expands unceasingly, 1986 in shenzhen in China's first happened for the crime of computer in financial fraud case tools, 2 cases of similar increases unceasingly. For such computer as the tool, the criminal law case in 1979, still can barely according to its objective behavior can offend charges such as fraud, theft, embezzlement, etc. However, for then happen pure computer crime, namely to computer information system for violations of the object and vandalism trespassed in 1979, the criminal law is powerless. Aiming at the impact, the revised law of criminal law (1997) has made certain response to the first, and the first 286 285 specially stipulated trespassed computer information system and computer information system sin two charges. However, due to the computer crime is a kind of new forms of crime, coupled with the legislative experience and legislation, these two levels of legislation charges not perfect itself. Does a response with the legislation of the development and application of computer, computer crime rate and the revised law of shock, makes a 1997 criminal law in front of the computer crime emerge in endlessly again appear relatively lags. This lag issues in charges for:

(a) for the legislative defects. Already

First, the criminal law "regulation: 285 invaded in violation of state regulations, national affairs, national defense construction, advanced science and technology in the fields of computer information systems, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention. "Computer information system will intrude into the only state affairs, national defense construction and cutting-edge technology in the fields of computer information system, the scope of protection is too narrow. This regulation, obviously behind the development of The Times, with the development of computer technology is developing rapidly in China from all walks of life and wide application situation. At present many units, especially finance, telecommunications, medical, transportation, college departments have established the computer information system. These information system in relation to social life, many systems and public interest, if our computer information system of the criminal law on the protection from the system, so these will not punish illegal invaded by sanctions, which tends to crime, protecting the state, society and individual's legitimate rights and interests. Therefore, in the criminal law of the protection scope of the appropriate, appear very be necessary. Furthermore, according to the provisions of the criminal law, 286 "computer information system, in violation of state provisions refers to computer information system function, amend, add or delete, interference of computer information systems or storage, processing and transmission of the data and applications to delete, amend, add or deliberate production, the operation of computer virus spread, such destructive procedures, affect the normal operation of computer systems, cause serious consequence. Article aims to computer information system safety protection regulations ", but also showed some shortcomings. This will spread the computer virus behavior rules for real harm, namely need serious consequences to constitute a crime. This regulation. A computer virus often have latent infection, makes the computer system is not immediately by virus. Such as popular around the world, through the CIH virus, a longer incubation period before. If the clause stipulated in the standard to measure against made in preclinical will not see actually qualitative harm result, thus difficult to apply for the above paragraph. But if the dangerous crimes, computer viruses may standard for information systems caused much damage, it can be measured through the estimation of the virus and the analysis results from the code in the estimation of the size of its may have to, as long as the damaging "computer information system safety threat to a certain extent can into sin. Therefore, if this will spread the computer virus behavior made by real harm to risk making and separate into sin is more reasonable and acceptable.

(2), French does not bear charges

China's present criminal law, the provisions on the computer crime legislation still many blank, resulting in French does not close. It mainly displays in: (1) no provisions in computer service. Stolen In the present criminal law in our country, using computer service behavior of theft is not due attention, this time with the requirements of the development of criminal law must be produced. In modern society, by a computer system that provides information service is a kind of commodity, it is with information collection and processing, processing, inquires the related a labor. Use computer information service needs to provide for a fee, therefore, I use the computer information system service of others, infringe upon the rights of all the people of the system, and for all profit and economic loss. For this kind of behavior, should be hit a crime. However, China's present criminal law is not stipulated in the computer services for crime theft, making it in some cases in practice cannot handle or attack. (2) no provisions of computer software and data theft. A computer system, and some internal data belongs to the intellectual property of software, some belongs to the commercial secrets of the material, while others are classified as state secrets, stealing the data or software behavior, although can apply to be punished accordingly charges, but in a computer system, a large number of data does not belong to the above content, but has extensive knowledge and important value. From the point of view of knowledge economy, stealing the data should be defined as criminal ACTS, otherwise it will cause the physical property theft tangible and intangible constitutes a crime theft of intellectual wealth does not constitute a crime deformity. (3) no provisions destroyed computer equipment. The computer equipment including computer hardware and software system entity or other ancillary equipment. Although computer equipment to destroy the behavior also can according to destroy state-private property crime denotes, but due to destroy the crime of public or private property, low crime crackdown obviously not with. Because the computer itself in modern social production and the life of the people is very important, so as to be of computer equipment, electric equipment traffic tools such as special protection. Therefore, the separate regulations computer equipment sin is necessary.
Three types of ownership, convicted) should be adjusted

With the improvement of information society, the computer system is also more and more high, the dependence of computer crimes harmful to the society is becoming more and more big, so also more and more has endanger public security properties. The current criminal law will computer crime belong to disrupt social management in chapter 6 points of sin, the order of classification is not in order. Will the computer crime of impairing the part by sin to adjust social management order crime endangers public security chapter 2 sections of sin, along with the development of society is becoming more and more necessary.
Computer crime subject to the impact of problems

The computer crime subject of juvenile is a noticeable trend. The school education all around the world will be as one of basic computer operation, the content to the technological process for society has enormous role. However, it also has a large number of computer technology in the minors, the use of computer technology and illegal crime in some countries has become a social problem. China's education system is also emphasized the education, thus the main trend of juvenile may also occur in China. At least minors to make the computer virus case has a 3) however, our country criminal law article 17:14 years of age of 16 and who commits a murderer, intentionally injuring serious injury or death, rape, robbery, drug trafficking, fire, explosion, the poison of sin, he shall bear criminal responsibility. This means that, except for the provision of a crime, and the implementation of any harm the social behavior all crimes. Therefore, Chinese criminal law of intrude into computer information systems, computer information system of subject, including the age is not the minors. But from the judicial practice, the young "hackers" is a kind of strength, should not be belittled damage to our country criminal law the provisions of criminal responsibility age on impulse. In order to deal with the impact, the author thinks that our country criminal law should have reached the age of 14 but not the age of 16 people into the main scope of computer crime.

In addition, from the judicial practice, using computer network implementation unit of information in a computer, trespassed already not unusual behavior of system. For example, in 1997, Beijing new technology companies to prevent jiangmin piracy, in its product "KV3LL" add "logic anti-virus software, many computer lock" is not normal operation, and then some enterprise in order to destroy its rival commercial reputation into the purpose, others computer network, such behavior. However, according to our country criminal law article 30 and article 285, 286 regulation, the unit can be calculated into information system and computer information system crime. Therefore, the unit of China's criminal law behavior and harm caused by the impact. Therefore, it is necessary to be subject in computer crime units of regulation.

The problem of computer crime punishment
According to our country criminal law the 285, 286 regulation, our country criminal law of computer crimes only provided free punishment prescribed punishment and property, and freedom, qualification of legal punishment low (the first 285 only three years or criminal detention and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of general situation of 286 only five years or criminal detention and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of serious consequences, also only 5 years imprisonment). This penalty system in front of a computer is increasingly rampant crime and punishment, thereby deterrent effect is at a discount greatly, realize the prevention and punishment of the special general purpose to prevent.

The main computer crime is often the intelligent computer technology, the offender is usually in order to reap illegitimate interests or technical challenge. In order to effectively, and prevent this kind of crime deterrent penalties, with the current criminal law of adjusting wealth, add in following punishment and qualification penalty (1) fine. Legislation may take times than fine system, i.e. the offender several times the illegal earnings, make it really fine punishment and prevention of the crime has double effects. (2) to confiscation of property. Mainly applies to illegal for the purpose of making profits, if the circumstances are serious computer crime. (3) deprived of the professional qualification matches. Such as computer related industries and deprived of qualification, etc. It mainly applies to the formation of computer addiction of so-called "net insect" offenders.

The salient features of the computer crime is easy to succeed, profit, small risk to detect, conviction, and the consequences are serious difficulties. According to the principle of suiting punishment to joash, not to prevent and combat looters, only to improve the legal punishment amplitude, can effectively prevent and respond the challenge. Taiwan's computer crime legislation that reflects the spirit, such as the "criminal law" regulation: "first 318 using computer or other related equipment to make the xvii-xviii 318, shall be increased by one-half." Its 316-318 prescribed for computer crime, the leakage of information for the computer information qualities of the damage caused by traditional crime than for large, so the legislative defined, this kind of practice is aggravating punishment to curb computer crimes have better effect. Therefore according to the principle of suiting punishment to computer crime, high standard, avoid the legal punishment prescribed imbalance, our country criminal law is in response to the impact of computer crime and shall make a choice.
原文见: 5419970612 - 魔法师 四级



1、 计算机犯罪的类型,由于着眼点的不同,有不同的分类,视计算机在犯罪中的角色而定。有学者认为,计算机在犯罪中所扮演的角色主要有:
(1) 计算机作为犯罪的目标(OBJECT),盗取硬件或软件数据等
(2) 计算机作为犯罪的主体(SUBJECT)或环境(ENVIORONMENT),如电子转帐欺诈等
(3) 计算机作为犯罪的工具,如计算机间谍刺探机密等
(4) 计算机作为犯罪的象征或符号(SYMBOLS),即计算机可能被用来作为掩饰计算机或滥用行为。
2、 美国刑法学界的计算机犯罪分类-1。
(1) 计算机滥用(Computer Abuse)

行为的主体为计算机的所有人或操作者(Perpetrator 犯罪者)
(2) 与计算机相关的犯罪(Computer Related Crime)
(3) 计算机犯罪(Computer Crime),范围比与计算机相关犯罪狭隘
计算机欺诈(Computer Fraud),很多与银行有关
计算机辅助犯罪(Computer Assisted Crime),以计算机为犯罪手段或工具
(1)计算机操纵类犯罪(Computer Manipulation Crime)
输入操纵(Input Manipulation)
程序操纵(Program Manipulation)
输出操纵(Output Manipulation)
(2)计算机间谍类犯罪(Computer Espionage Crime)
(3)计算机破坏类犯罪(Computer Sabotage Crime)
(4)计算机窃用类犯罪(Occupy Computer Time)


Disk storage medium such data recovery method research evidence
With the popularization of computer and network, high-tech crime rampant, try to hide evidence of the crime. Therefore, how to study the information on the storage medium access and analysis of computer forensics becomes an important issue. This paper expounds the information technology based on data recovery module and traces found scanning for module, according to research and implementation of disk storage medium such circuit principle and data structure, analyses the causes and symptoms of data from software and hardware malfunction, two aspects elaborated fault data recovery methods and techniques, through the research and analysis of the file system under the Windows of network system and principles of existence and historical traces of storage device structure, using multiple data recovery software for various multiple data recovery, analyzes and studies the experiment of hard disk, mobile hard disk storage medium etc all kinds of information access ADAPTS to the recovery of tools, and the final design and realization of the data storage medium in depth and rapid scanning, the maximum found deleted after format data and the data, and the residue of the data already deleted the maximum recovery and content. Thus for judicial organs for electronic evidence, a new way to combat the computer crime will play a very important role.



翻译:The earliest theory of the crime scene reconstruction in the United States have, since the 20th century, the theory of the 80's were introduced in our country, and began practice in the detection.Although the theory of our practice have an important impact on the investigation, in the fight against the increasingly serious criminal offense to play an active role, but because of the lack of crime scene reconstruction system, in-depth research, to a certain extent hindered its positive role in the fight against crime. Based on this, the author compared Chinese and foreign scholars from the crime scene on the concept of cognitive reconstruction, the initial crime scene reconstruction of the theoretical basis and the value of the material basis for analysis, the reconstruction of the crime scene summed up the general and specific methods and steps it is the problems faced by our country and to overcome the limitations of his methods to improve.Of these, the reconstruction of the crime scene on the specific methods of more in-depth study and at the crime scene reconstruction based on the general approach, combined with the main criminal activities of the actual characteristics of the main order of preparation of acts of crime, the main act of the crime scene Center at the scene after the crime to avoid the fight against acts of reconstruction of specific criminal acts of the main characteristics of the crime scene the focus of reconstruction methods, in-depth research.